Chapter 19

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Damian's P.O.V.

"How?" Damian asked as Marinette defeated him for the third time in a row without even trying.

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out." Marinette joked. They started another game and got caught up in the fight as Damian's brothers came it, looking for the two teen heroes.

Marinette was so tuned in to the game that she didn't even notice, a few moments later Marinette defeated Damian and shouted in victory.

"Alright Alright, sure you can beat Demon Spawn but he only learned how to play, what yesterday?" Marinette smirked as Damian was found out, Damian wanted to kill Todd. Jason continued,

"There's no way you could beat us, we've been playing for years." Damian smirked and offered his second eldest brother the remote.

"Be my guest." Jason took the remote and chose his character and the game began, he lost faster than Damian did.

"No way, rematch!" Jason demanded.

"Nope! My turn! If I win you have to make us more macarons." Dick challened.

"Your on!" Marinette agreed before adding to the bet, "But if I win I make the macaroons and none of you can have any!" She grinned maliciously. The boys stopped and considered for a moment until Dick's ego overcame him and he conceded.

"Fine, but no matter what Kor'i and Mar'i can have."

"Who?" Marinette asked innocently.

"Dick's wife and kid, they live on the other side of town, and while Dick is here every night they like to visit during the weekends." Drake explained getting ready for macarons.

"Okay okay hurry up! It's already three! If you don't get it over with quickly, she won't have time to make any!" Marinette smirked as Grayson chose the same mecha as her, it wouldn't change a thing. They began their fight and Marinette destroyed him in record time, the boys screamed in horror at the thought of not getting any macrons.

"Okay time for the master to play, same bet as before!" Dick encouraged, Marinette didn't seem fazed as Drake approached the television.

Drake selected his mecha and the fight began. He didn't give Marinette a second to try and attack before he used every offensive move he could think of trying to get it over with quickly, not wanting to risk it. The graphics covered up her health bar when the attacks hit but quickly disappeared and the boys saw Marinette only lost a few health points, the noirette smirked before doing what she did best.

Marinette button mashed and invented so many moves Damian couldn't even imagine how she pushed the buttons, Tim had no chance of dodging. By the end of her onslaught of attacks Drake only had a sliver of health left, his brothers were yelling strategies and encouragement as quickly and loudly as possible, waking everyone in the manor.

Tim went for his back up move, the mecha he chose in particular may or may not have been modified so Tim could have a chance at defeating Bruce which absolutely worked so Tim decided to use it right then and there. He clicked the necessary buttons as quickly as possible and released the attack on the petite noirette.

Marinette looked surprised for all of half a second before she decisively clicked a button and caught the attack. The boys froze, could you even do that?

"Basics boys." She had used a basic catch to stop the most overpowered move Tim could ever conceive.

"Wha?" In the boys' stupor, Marinette threw the attack at Tim who tried and failed to replicate Marinette's catch and lost.

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