Chapter 48

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Damian's P.O.V.

"Is she gone?" Damian asked, Bruce nodded.

"She might be evil and all that but man is she smart!" Tim exclaimed as he typed, Damian growled. Tim stopped typing and looked up.

"Relax, Damian! She just gave me an idea for the Paris Situation!" Tim said excitedly before going back to typing.

"Are you both okay?" Dick asked carefully, Damian rolled his eyes and Marinette hit him.

"Don't be rude, he is concerned for you. I can't speak for Damian but I am alright, thank you." Marinette said after scolding Damian like a child, Damian huffed before responding.

"I am fine, thank you for the concern." Marinette smiled approvingly at Damian.

"Auntie Nettie? Are you sure? Why did the mean lady want you there?"

"Oh, she wanted to talk about some stuff, but I'm okay! Pinkie swear!" Marinette said as she hugged the birthday girl.

"What did she wanna talk about?" Marinette and Damian blushed considerably as Bruce chuckled slightly. Now that the threat was gone, all their embarassment from the awkward conversation came flooding back.

"Oh, now I gotta know." Jason said as he whispered into Mar'i's ear and lifted her to meet Marinette's eyes, Damian covered the Parisian's eyes and spoke.

"tt, don't be so intrusive!" The family was quick to try and move past the intrusion, Dick and Kor'i giving their gifts, Mar'i receiving a locket with pictures of her parents. The family soon began getting ready for the celebration that was now only a few hours away.

Everyone did their part to get ready for the birthday party, which was a success. Mar'i had her party at an indoor playground filled with all her school friends, they were all dressed as princesses, knights, kings and everything of the sort. The children loved the desserts Marinette brought, and begged for more of Alfred's cake. By the end of the party everyone was exhausted and as they ate diner both Mar'i and Marinette passed out leaning on one of their neighbors. It was nearly 3 am Paris time when Marinette gave in to the clutches of sleep.

Marinette's P.O.V.

Marinette woke up to something warm hugging her from behind, she turned so she could be facing the warm thing, nuzzling close. Suddenly Marinette's eyes snapped open, she spent the night at Damian's, therefore she was not in Paris, her parents might have noticed she was gone, 'oh badbadbadbadbad'.

"No!" The petite girl exclaimed, burying herself under the covers. This seemed to have woken Damian up because he asked her, his voice thick with sleep.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to go back! What if my parents noticed I was gone!"

"Jamilati, come up out of the covers." Marinette did as she was told, Damian gave her a good morning kiss before he suddenly froze.

"What?" Marinette finally noticed that she wasn't in the manor, but her own room.

"I've seen my future and its pink." He looked around hesitantly, only to see the rest of the room was just as bright. Marinette had wanted to redo the room but she was moving out soon, so she decided to leave it as it was.

"Yeah, I wanted to change it up but I'll be leaving soon so I decided against it. How did we get here?"

"The zeta tubes, I meant to drop you off but someone complained that their warm lump was escaping again so... surprise?" Marinette blushed but just hugged Damian closer.

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