Chapter 36

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Mar'i's P.O.V.

Mar'i instantly pleaded to play and so Marinette began to explain how Club Penguin worked and they tried all the games together.

By the time they had their fill of the game, Damian was a master in all the elements for card-jitsu, Mar'i had a new obsession with puffles that Damian only fed, and Marinette set records in puffle roundup. The three decided to go out and walk Titus, Marinette had yet to tour the grounds.

"Titus! Come." Damian said as they walked out of the room, the great dane came barreling down the hallway holding a leash stopping in front of his owner.

"Good boy, doggie." Mar'i praised with a few long pets on the head.

"Shall we?" Damian asked offering Marinette his arm, which she gladly took while offering Mar'i her hand. They walked around the grounds, they first visited Batcow in the Manors barn. Marinette quickly fell in love with the masked animal. After their visit to Batcow, they took a walk, Mar'i occasionally walking ahead or going to walk with Titus. Eventually, the group stopped in a large patch of grass towards the back.

While Auntie Nettie and uncle Dami sat on the grass, Mar'i decided to find a stick for Titus to play fetch with. Titus went with her, they were unable to find a decent stick on the grass so they made their way into the woods and out of view, the pair kept walking occasionally picking a stick up only to put it down in favor of another.

Mar'i kept walking farther into the dense trees trying to find the best stick but eventually she was face to face with an old wall, there were a few good sticks so Mar'i asked Titus,

"Which stick do you think will work? This one?" She asked picking a nicely sized stick up but Titus wasn't looking at her, he was growling at the wall.

"What are you growling at, silly. Come on, uncle Dami will be worried if-" Mar'i spoke to Titus but was interrupted by someone, they took her picture and Mar'i tried to walk away, feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey, come back. Why don't we introduce ourselves, I'm Charles Tyson, a friend of Vicky Vale. That nice reporter lady, you might have heard of her right?" Mar'i nodded, papa talks about her when he reads the newspaper on his tablet.

"What's your name?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." Mar'i said, noticing some of the warning signs that her family told her about.

"Well, we don't have to be strangers. And I told you my name, so if anything you can tell whoever you want about me." The man said before speaking again.

"I'm just waiting for my friends, they should be here soon." The man, Charles, added.

"O-okay, its Mar'i."

"Mar'i what? Maybe I know your parents." The man said slightly rushed.

"Grayson. I-I'm sorry uncle Dami and Auntie Nettie are probably looking for-" The man interrupted again after looking down and whispering something.

"Who are your aunt and uncle, they sound familiar. Maybe I know them?"

"Maybe..." Mar'i didn't feel like she should tell him, but she couldn't help but feel guilty. What if Charles was friends with her family and she was rude.

"Damian and Marinette."

"Oh, I know lots of Damians and Marinettes! I bet I do know them, what are their last names. How are you related to them?" Not wanting to miss out on a new friend, Mar'i answered honestly.

"Damian Wayne and Marinette uh- Dupain what was the other one? Chan- no Cheng! Dupain-Cheng. Uncle Dami is my papa's brother and Auntie Nettie is his girlfriend. Papa and Uncle Jay Jay say he's-"

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