Chapter 2

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Marinette's P.O.V. Gotham

Marinette heard her name being called somewhere in the distance.

"-anded, you gotta wake up. We just landed, you gotta WAKE UP!" It took a moment for the bluenette to come to her senses as she groggily opened her eyes to an annoyed Bourgeois glaring down at her. Marinette quickly got up and began to exit the plane. The class quickly passes through customs and Ms. Bustier immediately ushers the class onto the bus taking them to their hotel.

The class arrived at the hotel without a hitch, once all the students had their bags and suitcases the group walked into the lobby and Ms. Bustier went to get the room keys. While their teacher was distracted Kim and Alix began to talk about Gotham and how they hoped to see the local hero team in action. Lila quickly picked up on the topic and interjects-

"Oh! Are you talking about Batman and his sidekicks? I'm a close personal friend of theirs, I even know their identities! I wish I could tell you more about them but I've been sworn to secrecy." The brunette finished with a sickly sweet sigh until she continued with her stories of her own 'heroism.' Marinette rolled her eyes, she did her research and everyone knows that Batman had partners, not sidekicks. She decided to tune Lila out and take in her surroundings.

Marinette and her class stood to the left of the lobby next to a few simple but modern white couches and some refreshing potted plants that were scattered around the room. The receptionist's desk was on the opposite side of the room and towards the sliding glass doors. The floors were a type of white and caramel mixed marble that made a satisfying 'click-clack' noise as a reserved looking businesswoman steadily made her way across the lobby. A high raised ceiling made of some type of dark wood towered above the marveling teen.  Marinette was glad that her class would spend their time in the crime-ridden city in a good and decently comfortable place to stay, Wayne Hotel was beautiful.

Ms. Bustier pulled Marinette out of her reverie when the slightly overwhelmed teacher began to address the class.

"Alright everyone, the room pairings will go as follows-" Marinette did her best to listen for her name but when it wasn't called she raised her hand while asking "Ms. Bustier, I'm sorry, I didn't hear my name. Who will I be rooming with?"

As it turns out, while Marinette was taking in the lobby a certain brunette with glasses approached the teacher volunteering the class representative to have a single room. Marinette didn't miss her former best friend's snide smirk and snickering.

Maybe it was the fact that her class expected Marinette to give up the chance of having a roommate without a second thought or the justified anger she sensed coming off both her few friends and herself, but before she could stop herself Marinette quickly bit back,

"I don't remember volunteering for a single room. Why would you assign me to it without even asking?" Marinette seethed, the smirks that had begun to creep onto her classmate's faces fell while Ms. Bustier looked taken aback. No one had thought the bluenette would try to belabor the point.

Ms. Bustier should not have allowed a student to volunteer someone else without consulting the person who would be most directly affected by the decision. Alya was quick to defend her actions.

"Come on! You put Lila on her own, just because your a jealous bully doesn't mean you have to take advantage of her insomnia and anxiety disorders." Marinette was quick to scoff and was about to respond. She would have told the wanna-be reporter that she didn't make the sleeping arrangements and that Lila had no conditions listed in the student information binder she had meticulously assembled. Before Marinette even got the chance to open her mouth Liar Rossi jumped in.

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