Tower of Heaven pt1

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A vacation was long overdue, and my friends and I left the repairs to our guildhall in the capable hands of our guildmates to go to Akane resort. And we were having a great time! Erza and Gray were playing volleyball, and Lucy and Natsu were Wakeboarding...Well, Lucy was; It looked like Natsu was hanging on for dear life while trying not to get sick. Happy was dancing around on the hot sand, and I was relaxing on a lawn chair and watching my guildmates enjoy themselves. I was wearing a Navy blue two-piece swimsuit and a pair of purple sunglasses. 

It wasn't long before they managed to pull me away from my chair and get involved in their beach time amusements. We buried Gray in the sand, rode around on a rubber raft, and Natsu stole Gray's pants. I can't say I was involved in that last one. I even got everyone to explore the amusement park nearby. Lucy and Gray rode the roller coaster with me, and Erza had some fair food afterward. It really was a fantastic day that we wouldn't soon forget.

 When the sun began to set, we found ourselves in our rooms relaxing for the night.  I had changed into a pair of short black shorts and a red tank top to rest. I laid down on my bed to take a short nap when I heard a knocking on my door. I groaned slightly and got up. I answered the door to find Lucy and Erza dressed up and outside the door. "Did you want to come down with us, Alex?" Lucy asked, grinning. "Natsu and Gray are already downstairs. They wanted to win some games."

Erza nodded and smiled and me. "Come with us," She suggested. "It'll be fun."

I grinned at their enthusiasm. "Alright," I said. "Let me get dressed, and I'll meet you down there." They nodded and headed downstairs. I changed into a dark blue cocktail dress with cherry blossoms going down the left side and a slit that ended mid-thigh. I also put on some blue heels and fixed my hair, so it framed my face. Satisfied, I smiled and went down to the casino downstairs to join my friends.

There were a lot of games down there, and Natsu was already losing. Gray was playing a card game not too far from him. Natsu was beginning to beat up the game he was playing. I shook my head and sighed when I saw that. We were going to get kicked out of here soon, I was sure.

I began walking over to the bar when I heard someone talk to Natsu. "Hold it, boy," It said. I turned to see a man with a boxy face and body sitting there. It was Erza's old friend Wally. "Casinos are places for grownups...For dandies! Get it?" He asked. "Boy, let me tell you something," Wally said when Natsu and Happy commented on how blocky he was. "There are only two paths that men can travel." Wally attacked Natsu with some blocks and stuck him to the game Natsu was playing.

 I growled lowly and started walking over to him. Nobody was allowed to hurt my guildmates like that while I was around.

"Who are you?" Natsu shouted."Live on as a dandy..." Wally turned his hand into a gun and aimed it for Natsu's head. "Or stop and meet your end. Get it?"

I growled and activated my Thor's Hammer. I rammed it into his head before he could take a shot at Natsu. I looked up at Natsu. "Are you okay?" When he nodded, I turned to face Wally. "You really shouldn't be playing with guns. It's not safe." I let lightning travel up my arms. "Let my friend go now."

Wally just stood up and pointed his gun at me. "Where is Erza Scarlet?" He asked. 

"Eh?" Natsu asked while I stared at him sternly. The room suddenly went dark. "What's going on?" Natsu cried while still hanging. "I can't see a thing!"

"Natsu!" Happy cried. "Where are you?"

"I'm here!" Natsu shouted back. "But...where's here?"

I walked closer to where Natsu was shouting while ignoring the glowing light trained at me. "You still haven't let my friend go," I commented. "And what makes you think we'll tell you anything?"

Alex of Fairy TailOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora