When she reached the small foyer, her steps faltered as she caught sight of Luke. He was wearing a nice fitting black suit which enhanced his broad shoulders. His hair was styled to be slightly spiky and his dark blue eyes stood out against the black material. Sophia felt her knees suddenly grow weak.

Luke hadn't noticed her yet as he stood near the door, making polite conversation with Susan. Sophia willed herself to remain calm and slowly moved towards him. Luke caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and he turned to look at her.

"Hi," Sophia greeted, thankful her voice didn't squeak. 

Luke stared at her for a moment before he shook his head and plastered his signature grin on his face.

"Hey," he returned the greeting and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her into a side-hug. 

Sophia just managed to catch the gasp in her throat as shocks ran through her body.

Luke turned to look back at Susan, who resumed speaking, and Sophia frowned when Luke didn't let go of her shoulders. She bit her lip slightly as the tingles remained. They weren't unpleasant, but it felt unusual. Sophia took a slow inhale to calm herself, but the scent of Luke's cologne only succeeded in making her mind foggy.

She glanced around and her eyes connected with Rachel's, who sent her a knowing look in return. Sophia felt her face heat up and shifted. Her eyes widened slightly when Luke moved his arm from her shoulders to wrap snugly around her waist (all the while not breaking conversation with Susan). Her heart raced.

But Sophia wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or not when her dad entered soon after, dressed in his most impressive uniform, hair freshly cut. Luke's arm instantly left Sophia's waist and she felt like she could breathe again.

"Good evening, sir." Luke smiled politely at her father. 

It was ironic, although Luke saw him every week at church, he was almost shaking from how nervous he felt under the man's hard gaze. And the fact that he was in his uniform reminded the young man clearly of how powerful he was; if all the medals adorning his shoulders and chest were anything to go by.

Sophia's dad gave him one solid nod in return and turned to look at Susan. "The driver's here," he stated and everyone nodded and made their way out the house before her father locked it.

When Luke was outside and caught sight of their ride his eyes widened. "We're going in a limo?" he whispered nervously in Sophia's ear, successfully causing goose-bumps to flood her skin. She cleared her throat.

"Yes, how else will everyone fit?" she replied softly and she saw Luke gulp. 

He clearly wasn't thrilled about being in the same car as her father. He was nervous from the moment he walked into the room.

Without thinking, Sophia grabbed Luke's hand and interlinked their fingers, giving him a reassuring squeeze. She tried her best to ignore the electricity in her arm when Luke clutched her hand tightly.

Surprisingly, the ride to the five-star hotel where the dance would take place was not nearly as awkward as Sophia thought it would be. Of course she had Susan and her inability to shut-up to thank for that. Ashley was in complete awe the whole ride, and Rachel had her hands full just making sure that the little girl didn't break anything.

When they arrived at the hotel forty minutes later, Sophia's father and Susan stepped out first, followed by Sophia and Luke, and lastly Rachel and Ashley. There were a few men on patrol around the building. Sophia's father nodded at them as he walked by and they immediately saluted in return.

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