"He never taught me to lie! I had to do that because you never would have listened to me."

"No, you didn't have to. Stop making excuses. You know my rules concerning boys and you deliberately disobeyed them." Mom shook her head and looked me straight in the eye. "You are no longer allowed within fifty feet of that boy."

"What?" I gasped my heart stopping.

"You heard me. You are to break up with him the next time you see him and don't you dare try otherwise."

"You can't do that!" I shouted, my eyes growing wide as frustrated tears pressed against my eyelids.

"Yes I can, and you are grounded for the rest of the year."


The front door opened then and I quickly turned to see my dad enter the living-room, a tired look on his face. Dobey looked like he wanted to greet him, but he didn't move from my side. 

My dad paused when he looked between my mom and I, and frowned. "What's going on here?"

I opened my mouth to reply that Mom was blowing things way out of proportion, but she beat me to it. 

"Elizabeth is dating that kid," she said, her voice stern as she stared at me with crossed arms.

"What?" Dad blinked.

"We were going to tell you once exams ended," I rushed to explain myself. My dad is a lot more level-headed than my mom. He'll listen to me. "He's not what he looks like. He's a good guy."

"Mac, I want to discuss this with you privately. Lizzy, go to your room," Mom said. 

My eyes widened in alarm. If she spoke to him alone, she'll put a very wrong picture in my dad's head and then I'm done for.

"No, I won't," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Mac," my mom warned and gave him a look. 

Dad looked at her for a moment then back at me. I begged him with my eyes to allow me to stay.

My dad took a deep breath. "Lizzy, please go to your room."

My arms dropped to my sides in disbelief. "But-"

"I promise I will give you a chance to speak," he said and gestured towards my room.

I pressed my lips together and, turning on my heel, I marched towards my room.

"And close the door behind you," my mom called and I slammed my door shut, almost getting Dobey's paw in the process because I didn't realise he had followed me.

For about ten minutes I paced in my room. I couldn't hear what they were discussing, but I made the most of my time by putting together the most convincing story for my dad to allow Cole and I to be together. I would tell him everything about Cole, how amazing he is and why I love him so much.

When the clock ticked on fifteen minutes I heard a knock on my door and I opened to see my dad already walking back towards the living-room. I swallowed and felt my heart beat in my chest as I followed. Dread filled my body, but my eyes were determined. 

I'll convince them, both of them.

Dobey walked next to me as I entered the living-room to see my parents sitting side by side. I tried to hide my shaking hands behind my back. 

My dad took a deep breath and looked at me. "Lizzy, your mother and I have discussed this very carefully and ... both of us agree that it was highly irresponsible for you to start dating someone we know nothing about without our consent."

My heart stopped in my chest. "But I-"

"Please, don't interrupt," Dad said calmly and I pressed my lips together. He bobbed his knee. "Your mother has shared with me everything necessary and ... I believe that breaking up with that boy is the best option."

My face fell in shock. "What?"

"I'm sorry, Lizzy, but the fact that you have lied to us month after month cannot go unpunished. Tomorrow when you go to school, you are to break up with him. He has not been a good influence on you, and a liar is not the kind of daughter we raised."

"B-But aren't you even going to let me explain?" I stuttered as I felt my biggest fear come to life.

"The time for explanations has passed," Mom said and I shook my head.


"You will break up with him tomorrow," she pressed and I shook my head again as I felt tears press at my eyes.

"No." My throat clogged and I started to back away from them. "No, no, no! I won't do it! You can't make me!" I screamed and sprinted out the living-room.

"Lizzy!" I heard my dad call as I wrenched open the front-door so hard it slammed against the wall, and took off down the pathway with Dobey right behind me.

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