Has he ever stolen before?

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One of y'all is gonna say but he has stolen my heart and to say this no stop don't even try


No he is too scared to ever do it. He has never even stolen a pen at a bank before.


Mr. I have to keep a clean record for UA, over here never stole anything though he has taken a pen from a bank.


Yeah he's stolen his dads credit card and maxed it out more then enough times. It's just a secret.


Nah he's too pure to do that. Also his mom told him never to do anything bad so he's never done it.


Yeah he was being a stupid kid and stole a big bag of marshmallows. No one ever asked him about it but he still talks about it sometimes.


Yes my heart cause I love him.


If not turning your homework in and taking a no name is stealing then yeah. Other then that no.


He once stole a chocolate cake cause he was bored one day. He never ate it and gave it to his mom for her birthday.


Heh Nope not at all. He's too nervous to get a pencil from the pencil box at his school.


Kinda he would brainwash someone to steal for him so he wasn't doing the crime.


He has broke into a pet smart one time just to pet the cats in the middle of the night. Never stole anything though.



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