When you meet your future kids

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You both were buying lunch and chatting in the lunch line when you felt something tug at your skirt. You thought it was the pervy grape so you started yelling.

"Momma why are you yelling?" She asked. You just picked her up and brought her to me Aizawa.


You were trying to make a new design for Bakugou's hero costume while he was training when you felt something sit on your legs.

"You look so young mommy!" A kid yelled. You looked at Bakugou and you just shrugged. "Hi papa!" Bakugou just tested the kid since he didn't know it was his.


You both fell through something and you landed in a bunch of rose bushes. It hurt and some kids just looked at the two of you.

"Wanna play with us?" They asked at the same time. Todoroki took a better look and noticed the kids had your eyes and his hair color. It was strange.


You both were on a morning jog when a little kid just zoomed past. You both looked at each other and shrugged and kept jogging.

"Momma help!" The kid yelled. While looking at you. "Wait your not mommy no your the younger momma and your my daddy!" What the hell is happening?


You were walking around trying to find the police station for a lost girl. She wouldn't stop calling you mommy and asking you questions that only you would know.

"How does daddy propose to you?" She asked. You looked confused. "Oh your still in high school!"


You both were trying to sleep when three loud knocks came from your door. You opened it and saw three kids.

"We heard you guys could help us." They said. They looked a lot like shoji and you. One of them even wore a mask like him. You followed them to a forest where they just disappeared.


He wrapped you up in tape and he was about to do sinful activities on you. When the door swung open.

"Huh guessing by this mom and dad haven't changed that much." The oldest one said. They then walked off and you both looked at each other.


You were babysitting for your roommate and there son has a quirk that makes random kids from two people.

Well the kid was adorable and you loved it so not much you can say there.


He never expected you to bring a kid one day and just say 'this kid won't stop calling me momma!' But it did.

"The kid is just confused." He said. The kid disappeared after a few days.


Y'all have Bakugou to deal with speaking of which you were yelling at him for almost setting Mina on fire when a kid just appeared out of no where.

"Hold up who are you?" Bakugou yelled. The kid gave you the middle finger and ran away. "That was weird."


You guys were cleaning randomly when you saw a little girl being creepy and looking through your window.

Tensei went outside to go look but the girl was gone. Strange.

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