What he's like on a road trip

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He's that person when you go somewhere he needs to go to the tourist attractions. You sometimes just have to sigh and let him teach you about it for a bit.

"Oh this place has really good popcorn!"

"We're already late and we have an hour to go!"


He's really impatient kinda like a kid wanting to do something fun. He likes to drive but if he does he usually goes over the speed limit.

"Sir your license is expired."


He's really patient and just plays on his phone. You both tell stories. He usually get a bit upset when your in the car for over three hours.

"I just wanna be home now!"

"I do too just wait like 20 minutes and we will be home."


He likes to tell you about historical places in the area and what went down. He has never finished a story and you always wonder what happened.

"Can you finish a story before starting a new one."

"Oh alright I will." He never did.


He is the person turn the music really loud and blast it before you yell at him. He's the embodiment of a 5 year old in 16 year old boy.

"Can you shut up the rain is bad!"

"Sorry." He continues to scream for the rest of the way there.


You both like to just have some casual conversation while in the middle of nowhere. When no one is usually driving he takes him mask off.

"So if you could have any color hair what would you have?" You asked.

"I like your hair color but it won't look good on me."


You both just enjoy each other's company and play fun car games. You both don't really get why people get so silent for so long.

"Oh there's a deer over there!"

"Woah that's cool!"


You both just have small concerts in the car which is sometimes a bit scary for anyone in the car.

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