When you get hanahaki disease

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It all started when you and his friends were walking in a flower garden. You coughed up a petal you thought it was strange but a flower petal could have ended in your mouth.

It kept happening and Iida ended up finding the disease. He asked you about it and you shrugged. He went to ask Midoriya and he found him kissing (random classmate). He turned out and told you what happened. You started crying and had the surgery to get it out.


You had fallen head over heels in love with Bakugou. What you didn't know was that he hated you with a passion. You showed up to school one day with a mask and started crying when you saw him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked. You told him how you felt and he just flipped you off. You ended up dying with your love for him.


You knew Todoroki was dating Momo and she didn't like how you both were such good friends. Well you didn't show up for a few days and when you did you were wearing a mask like Shoji's.

When you told Todoroki you liked him he just walked away from you. You started weeping and your family decided for you to get the surgery.


His family wanted him to marry another pro heroes daughter but he didn't like it. You had fallen for him when he said that.

It got worse and you started crying it hurt so much. You told him how you felt and he felt the same. The coughing went down and the petals stopped.


You and Denki were dating and had a good relationship until you woke up coughing up blood. You did pay any mind to it since it could have been mucas.

Well you walked in one day and everyone just gave you a stare of 'oh shit'. They all asked if you were feeling alright and Denki walked in holding Jiro's hand. The petals made so much sense now.


He didn't talk much and you kinda thought he was really mysterious. You caught pretty bad feelings and you just coughed up petals one day.

You told him how you felt and he knew how you felt since he had it before with you as well a bit ago. He liked you back and the pain stopped.


You came to class one day feeling a bit unwell but you didn't think anything of it. You then started coughing and coughed up a few petals. Aizawa looked at you and started sighing.

"Y/n who is your crush?" He asked. You pointed to Sero. "Well do you feel the same?" Sero shook his head and Aizawa paid for your surgery.


He noticed the blood dripping from your mouth one day and asked if you we're alright. You lied and nodded then kissed him.

"I-I love you kiri." You told him. He walked away and left you to cry. You died since you just wanted him to love you.


You knew he would do anything for you and when you coughed up petals on day you just told him how you felt.

He kissed you and held you close. He made sure it would never happen again.


Bakugou noticed something wrong with you and it started when you were teaching them math. The pain got so bad you started crying.

He walked in and saw Aizawa on the phone with someone. He knew it wasn't you since you were teaching but how he said "I love you babe" that tipped Bakugou over.

"Bitch go get your actual girlfriend!" He yelled. Aizawa just broke up with you and you got the surgery since you didn't want to have feelings for him.


When he moved away you felt sick all the time and started coughing up blood. You couldn't tell him how you felt but your mom made you get the surgery.

He told you how he felt one day and you just lost all feelings due to the surgery. He just walked away while you felt bad.

So we got rid of Tensei and i don't think anyone else is surprised.

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