Electric Boogaloo (kaminari x reader) lime

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"So cutie what do you want to do after school?" Kaminari asked me.

"I only do one thing and it's called homework something you need to do." I whispered to him. "If you want we can try and study and my house."

"Cool your little siblings love me!" He boasted. I sighed and packed my bag and left while he was still talking about something. I put my earbuds in and started listening to music.

Why was he so cute but so dumb? Where even is he? Whatever he can catch up when he wants.

I almost left UA grounds when I heard someone running up behind me.

"Why did you leave me behind!" He yelled at me.

"It's not my fault your stupid." I casually told him. He started going on another tangent and I walked away from him again.

We got to my house and it was an utter disaster. My younger siblings were sitting on the couch pretending that nothing was going on.

"I came home to the house like this you all are cleaning this up NOW!" I yelled. "I need to study when your done go get your big brother!"

"Yes miss!" All of them quickly said. I glared at them before walking upstairs.

I put down my book bag and got my textbook out. Kaminari groaned when he saw it.

"What do you think we were gonna do?" I asked.

"In the movies they do a study session and then it kinda escalates." He told me while blushing. I smirked at him and grabbed his tie and brought him in to kiss him.

He put his hands on my back bring me closer to him causing me to be on him lap. He went down to my neck and started biting me.

"Sissy big brother isn't here so you have to come check. What are you doing?" My little sister asked.

"I told you I'm studying!" I yelled at her while stuttering. "Alright I'm coming."

I got downstairs and it actually looked like they tried cleaning it up. I always knew there strategy and I opened up the closest and found all the trash.

"Guys how hard is it to throw away something?" I asked. They shrugged and went to go get a trash bag as I went back upstairs.

Bnha boyfriend scenarios (Bnha x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora