❤️Dating All Might

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-he is extremely cuddly and likes to give kisses

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-he is extremely cuddly and likes to give kisses

-you actually met Midoriya on his first day of work since you were midnights main sidekick.

-"oh your the next user right?"

-he was shocked when you said that but then all might came from behind you.

- "she's y/n my girlfriend it's fine if she knows." He was glad when he said that.

-you both met in high school and you both actually hated each other

-you both only have one kid together and the news are not aloud to meet him or take photos.

-he hates it when you get drunk since you get really flirty

-when Bakugou went missing and he lost his quirk you just gave his a few hugs telling him it would be alright afterwards

-you have been kidnapped only once due to all for one trying to get back at all might

Bnha boyfriend scenarios (Bnha x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora