Chapter 24

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Shindo didn't even have time to react that a violent explosion was already fired right at him, the strength of the blast brutally propelling him against the wall.

The impact almost took his breath away and he coughed, some blood coming out of his mouth and staining the white floor. He tried to stand but couldn't as he was suddenly grabbed by the throat, dark eyes meeting two burning red orbs.

"Did you fucking touch him?!" Katsuki shouted, his tone dominant and blood-curdling. He was absolutely furious and threatening pheromones were oozing out of him, the scent almost putting the other alpha into submission. But Shindo managed to hold Katsuki's glare, a smirk appearing on his face as he spoke out.

"You have no damn idea of everything I did to him during the past few years..." He answered with unconcealed pride, his words suddenly taking Katsuki aback.

"What... during the past few years..?" The blond alpha repeated, confusion clear in his tone and written on his face.

The sight made Shindo's grin widen. "So, he really didn't tell you?" The dirty hero asked, his tone smug and arrogant. "He really didn't tell you how many times I paid to fuck him?" He added and Katsuki suddenly understood what it meant, horror setting inside him.

Everything instantly made sense. He finally understood why Izuku was so scared of Shindo, why the green-haired boy was shaking at the only sight of the dark-haired alpha and why he didn't want to be left alone.

Shindo was one of the alpha raping Izuku when the omega was held in the illegal brothel.

Wrath abruptly swelled inside Katsuki, utter fury taking over him. "You bastard... you fucking rapist... how dare you call yourself a hero..." He snarled, not even finding the words to express the disgust and hatred he felt towards the other alpha.

"You can't really blame me, you know..." Shindo unexpectedly said, enjoying enraging the blond. "You fucked him too, right? You should understand. Once you had a taste, you never want to let go of him again. He just feels so tight and his cries are so satisfyin-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as a blast suddenly was released right on his face, making him let out a scream at the surging pain.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Katsuki loudly growled, anger consuming his whole being. He violently kicked Shindo onto his stomach with his knee and the dark-haired alpha collapsed on the floor, blood escaping his mouth as his body ached all over. He tried to use his quirk to make the ground vibrate but Katsuki didn't let him the time to. The blond brutally shoved Shindo against the wall before firing a powerful blast right on him, making him scream in pain once again.

"Don't even fucking try." Katsuki snarled. He wasn't the number-one hero for nothing. He was quicker and stronger than the other alpha, even more so when he was driven by the intense urge to destroy Shindo and make him pay.

"Once I'll be over, nothing will be fucking left of you." He menaced as he lifted Shindo up by his hair, the dirty hero's face covered with blood. He had almost already lost consciousness but this wasn't enough for Katsuki, it wasn't even near it. This was nothing compared to what Izuku had been through. Shindo had raped the tiny omega. He had hurt him and made him cry.

"You worthless piece of shit, you don't even fucking deserve to live..." Katsuki cursed as he started to punch Shindo's face, violently. He could use his explosions but that would be too fast, too easy and not painful enough. Shindo deserved to suffer the most possible, he deserved to die from a low and painful death...

"Bakugou!" Someone suddenly called out, the voice resonating into the corridor.

"Stop it, you're gonna kill him!" Kirishima said as he rushed toward the two alphas. He had been there when Katsuki had received the call from Izuku but he hadn't managed to be as fast as the other alpha, given that he didn't have explosions to propel himself. "I called the police, they're gonna arrest him! It's over!"

"Fuck off!" Katsuki growled as he shoved the redhead away. He wasn't finished, not yet. He wanted to hurt Shindo even more, it still wasn't enough. Nobody was touching his omega and then getting away with it. He just wouldn't accept it.

"Bakugou! Go take care of your omega instead of beating someone already unconscious!" Kirishima shouted and this got Katsuki's attention, the blond immediately stopping what he was doing.

"Fuck." He cursed. He had been so focused on killing Shindo that he had forgotten the most important. "Don't fucking let him go." He told Kirishima while referring to Shindo before hurrying to Izuku's side. The omega was still where he had last seen him, shaking and curled up on the floor.

"Izuku..." He called as he crouched down next to Izuku, reaching out a hand to him, but the tiny omega abruptly flinched and let out a small whine at the touch. He was trembling and sobbing, his respiration heavy and his heart beating dangerously fast.

"Hey, baby, it's me..." Katsuki gently said as he started to release as many soothing pheromones as he could. "Everything is alright, I'm here..." He added before cautiously taking Izuku in his arms, carefully lifting him up. The omega released a whimper of fear but Katsuki gently reassured him, whispering sweet words into his ear.

"Shh, it's okay... you're okay..." He murmured while slowly walking toward the bedroom. "I got you, you're safe..." The hero said as he sat on the bed and protectively held the green-haired boy in his embrace, his arms securely wrapped around the smaller male.

"K-kacchan..." Izuku sniffled between soft sobs. His whole body was still trembling and he was now tightly holding on to Katsuki, almost desperately. He had been so terrified and everything that had happened to him back at the brothel was resurfacing, making him whimper in distress.

"I'm so fucking sorry, I should have been here... I should have protected you..." Katsuki said as he hated to see Izuku like that. His freckled cheeks were strained with tears and his pink lips were bruised, Katsuki could only imagine what Shindo had done to the omega. He felt his anger rise again at the only thought of it and restrained a growl, his grip tightening around Izuku.

"Fuck, why didn't you tell me..?" He asked in a whisper, guilt slowly starting to build up inside him. He had promised he would always protect the quirkless boy but he didn't. If only he had stayed today, if only he had known... he could have prevented all of this from happening. He would have killed Shindo long ago.

"I-I'm sorry..." Izuku apologized as he kept silently crying. "H-he told me not to, he t-threatened me not to..." The omega explained in a shaking voice, his body not stopping to tremble. "H-he said he would end y-your career..."

Katsuki let out a low grunt at the words. "He wouldn't have done shit. And even if he did, I'd rather have my career ruined than have my omega raped." He firmly stated. Izuku was the most important thing in his life and he would always put him first. He would even give up his place as the number one hero without any hesitation.

"I-it's okay, I'm used t-to it... I-I don't want to cause you any trouble..." The omega murmured in a small voice, his words breaking Katsuki's heart.

"Fuck, that's not fucking okay... you shouldn't be used to be fucking raped, Izuku..." The hero breathed out, realizing just how much affected Izuku really was, just how much suffering he had been through during these seven years...

"Your body is not something to be used, sweetheart... it's something that should be treated with care and love..." He quietly explained while pulling the green-haired boy impossibly closer to him, feeling the intense need to protect him and never let anyone go near him again.

"Nobody should ever touch you without your consent, that's not okay..." He added and Izuku's cries enhanced, heart-wrenching sobs resonating in the room. "I-I'm sorry... I-I'm really sorry..." The omega apologized over and over again, not even knowing why he was apologizing anymore as he kept crying in Katsuki's arms.

"Shhh, baby... it's alright..." The alpha could only say as he kept whispering sweet nothing to Izuku, patiently waiting for his sobs to fade away.

Izuku was hurt, even more emotionally than physically, and Katsuki would do anything to help him heal.

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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