Chapter 6

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At night, they went to bed and Katsuki pulled Izuku into his embrace, the alpha wanting to have the smaller boy close to him while sleeping. Izuku tensed up a little in Katsuki's grasp before eventually relaxing and falling asleep, exhausted. Katsuki fell asleep as well soon after, reassured to know the omega would still be in his arms when he would wake up.

He didn't want to lose Izuku ever again...

But when he opened his eyes the next morning, Izuku wasn't in the bed anymore, nor in the room. Katsuki abruptly bolted up, his senses alert. He could smell Izuku's sweet scent lingering in the air and the alpha immediately got out of bed, following the scent. He really hoped the omega didn't run away and was at least still in the house. The scent led Katsuki in front of one of the countless bedrooms his house possessed and he promptly opened the door, definitely not expecting to see what his eyes landed on.

Izuku was curled up on the large bed, panting and whimpering, an intoxicating amount of pheromones surrounding him. His face was flushed, almost feverish, soft whines escaping his pink lips. The omega's gaze suddenly moved to the door at the sound of it opening and he instantly panicked when he saw Katsuki, his eyes widening in utter fear.

"D-dont! D-don't come in, p-please..!" He supplicated right away, his voice shaking as his body quivered in fright. He tried to move but suddenly whimpered in pain, the green-haired boy curling up even more on himself.

"Deku... are you in heat?"

Katsuki silently asked, taken aback. Izuku's pheromones were the most divine scent he had ever smelt and he instinctively moved toward the bed. "N-no! D-don't come closer!" The omega pleaded, full of distress and feeling utterly vulnerable in the state he was in. He didn't have any strength in his body and he knew the alpha could do anything he wanted to him, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

"Shhh. It's okay, I'm not gonna do anything to you." Katsuki calmly assured as he saw how panicked Izuku was. But he also noticed how the omega seemed in pain, clutching his stomach and letting out weak whines. "Does it hurt?" Katsuki gently asked, slowly sitting at the edge of the bed.

Izuku felt deeply anxious and he shut his eyes closed before silently nodding at the question. He was scared and he flinched when he felt a hand on his forehead, Katsuki checking the smaller's boy temperature.

"You're burning up..." He stated, starting to get worried. He took a better look at Izuku's condition and noticed how the omega was hard, his pants wet because of the slick he was producing.

"Deku... you need to get off." Katsuki suddenly stated, knowing that it was the only thing that could ease the pain of an omega's heat. Using suppressors was bad for an omega's health. It would only calm the heat down some instant before enhancing the pain once the effect of the suppressors disappeared. 

Izuku let out a small whimper at Katsuki's words. He cowered, wanting to hide in the covers and just disappear. The omega was frightened and embarrassed but at the same time, he really wanted his body to stop aching. His heat was hurting him so much...

"I-... I don't know how to do it..." He finally murmured, his cheeks turning a dark red as he confessed not knowing how to masturbate. 

Katsuki frowned at the words, speaking out without thinking. "What do you mean? How did you do during your other heats?" He asked and Izuku immediately shuddered as traumatic memories abruptly came back to his mind.

"O-omegas in heat are priceless..." He only silently answered and Katsuki cursed under his breath, realising how stupid his question was.

"Fuck. Of fucking course." The alpha growled. He did not doubt that some assholes would spend a fortune to fuck an omega in heat. The mere thought of people violating Izuku filled him with burning rage. He wished he could kill whoever had hurt Izuku but, right now, the most important was to take care of the omega. He was in pain and Katsuki couldn't let him suffer like that.

"Okay. I'll help you." He stated before pulling Izuku onto his lap, the action immediately making the small boy panic. "W-what? What are you d-doing! P-put me down!" The omega cried out and squirmed, but he couldn't do anything as Katsuki securely wrapped his arms around his small body, Izuku's back pressed against the hero's chest.

"Shhh, it's okay." The alpha gently murmured to calm him down and Izuku felt his heart race in his chest. He stiffened when Katsuki's hands slipped under his shirt, the omega gasping as he felt fingers caress his skin.

"K-kacchan! W-what are you doing?" He asked as he shivered in the alpha's grasp, feeling terrified.

"Everything is fine, baby. I won't hurt you." Katsuki said as he began to press soft kisses on the smaller boy's neck to try and relax him. "I just want to help you. I can't let you suffer during your whole heat."

"K-kacchan..." Izuku trembled. "I'm scared..." he said, the omega tensing up when Katsuki pressed his hand against his lower belly. He thought that the hand would go lower, that it would slip under his pants and touch him for real, but Katsuki kept his hand where it was.

"Don't be scared, baby. I'm just gonna make you feel better." Katsuki assured as he started to rub soothing circles on Izuku's belly, not wanting to overwhelm the omega. Izuku shuddered and let out a small gasp, the gentle touches somehow soothing the pain he was feeling. 

"K-kacchan..." he didn't understand what was happening. "I-I feel weird..." Katsuki's palm felt incredibly warm against his lower belly, and the way the alpha was rubbing his stomach was making him relax. Being so close to Katsuki was also calming his instincts down. It was satisfying his need to be touched by an alpha even though Katsuki wasn't touching him somewhere intimate.

"Are you still feeling pain?" Katsuki softly asked while pressing kisses on Izuku's nape. The green-haired boy whimpered and shook his head at the alpha's question, completely melting under Katsuki's touches.

"I d-don't know..." he was confused. He had only ever felt pain during his heats before. Pain and violence and rough touches. He didn't even know an alpha could touch him gently and make him feel better instead of raping him. "I-isn't a heat supposed to hurt..?" 

Katsuki restrained a growl. Of course Izuku would think that. He had only suffered during his heats.

"Not always," he told Izuku. "It's okay. Just enjoy the sensations, baby," he said as he kept rubbing soothing circles onto Izuku's belly. The massage he was giving him was simple but efficient. It stopped the painful cramps Izuku had been feeling because of his heat and helped the omega relax.

"K-kacchan..." Izuku sighed in relief, a small moan leaving his lips without his consent.

It drove Katsuki crazy. "Fuck, you sound so damn good," the alpha whispered in a low groan. Izuku's sweet mewls and soft sighs were really turning him on. That plus Izuku's scent, the omega's arousing pheromones continuing to spread in the air, was making him hard. His cock was pulsing under Izuku's ass, begging to get inside Izuku...

But Katsuki wouldn't go any further. No. Just touching Izuku's body while the omega was in such a vulnerable state was already a huge step. He wouldn't try anything else, even if not touching Izuku for real was taking him all the self-control he had. Having Izuku trust him was the most important. Katsuki would never take the risk of hurting him or touching him without his consent.

He would make slow moves and progress step by step. Izuku needed time and patience and Katsuki would respect that. He didn't want to scare him away.

But, in the end, the omega would be his.

To be continued

Hey, I hope you liked this chapter!

For those who had already read it before, it used to be explicit (Katsuki jerked Izuku off), but since Wattpad deleted some of my stories (I'm guessing because they were too smutty), I decided to edit them so that it wouldn't happen again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I hope that you can understand that I don't want to take the risk of losing my work.

Anyway, you can still find the explicit version on my Patreon account if you want to read it, as well as an extra chapter named Second Wave which is about the second part of Izuku's heat (Katsuki fingers Izuku).

I'll publish the following chapters of Trafficked Omega soon. I wish you all a good day/night!

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