Chapter 22

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When Izuku slowly woke up the next morning, he didn't feel Katsuki's arms wrapped around his waist as usual. He immediately sat up on the bed, his emerald eyes rapidly looking around the room.

"Kacchan..?" He called, worry starting to set inside his stomach. He couldn't help but think maybe Katsuki had left him, maybe the alpha didn't have any interest left in Izuku now that they had sex together...

"You're awake, baby?" Katsuki asked as he appeared at the door's frame and Izuku instantly felt relief wash over his body. He tried to leave the bed, wanting to join the hero, when a small yelp escaped his lips as his legs suddenly gave out. Katsuki just had the time to wrap an arm around the omega's slim waist to stabilise him, preventing Izuku from falling.

"Are your hips okay?" He gently asked as he made Izuku sit back on the bed, the question causing the tiny omega to blush severely.

"O-oh... y-yes, it's okay..." He timidly answered while memories of what they had done yesterday came back to his mind. He felt his cheeks turn a dark red in response and shyly looked at his lap, only now realising that he was still completely naked. Some cum was slowly dripping out of his entrance and a small flustered squeak left his lips, utter embarrassment setting inside him.

Katsuki restrained a low chuckle at the sight, he found Izuku so freaking adorable. "Let's take a bath and clean you up, sweetheart." He offered before picking the omega up and carrying him to the bathroom. Izuku stayed silent but he tightly held on to Katsuki, finding safety and warmth in the embrace.

"Here you go," Katsuki said once he had filled the bath while gently placing Izuku in the bathtub. He then removed the sweatpants he was wearing before hopping into the tub as well, positioning the tiny omega between his legs.

It was their first time taking a bath together and so Izuku felt slightly nervous. His heart was beating fast inside his chest. Katsuki wrapped his arms around his slim waist and started to put small kisses on his shoulder, the affectionate action making Izuku slowly relax, until he suddenly felt Katsuki's fingers move to his entrance.

"W-wait, Kacchan..." He immediately tensed up but the hero gently calmed him down. "Shhh. Relax, baby. I just have to remove the cum left..." Katsuki explained as he slowly circled his finger around Izuku's entrance. The omega wasn't producing slick so he had to be careful not to hurt him.

"I-I can do it... ngh.!" Izuku started to protest but a small whine left his lips when Katsuki's finger entered him. "It's okay, let me take care of you." The alpha gently murmured while putting reassuring kisses on Izuku's shoulder. He knew removing cum wasn't something particularly agreeable.

"Here. It's already over." He pulled his fingers out when he had finished. "You did good, baby." He praised Izuku as he started to rub soothing circles on his hips. The green-haired boy was fragile and precious, Katsuki wanted to treasure him and aftercare was something important.

"Can you turn around?" He gently asked as he wanted to face Izuku. The omega timidly complied and moved so that he was now situated on Katsuki's lap, his hands on the hero's shoulders. A soft blush was present on his freckled cheeks and Katsuki found Izuku's shyness absolutely endearing.

"You're so cute, Deku." He blurted out, before stealing a small kiss from the omega. Izuku blushed even more but didn't complain. He liked the affection he was receiving. Katsuki was so gentle it made him feel cherished. He felt safe and happy with the alpha.

"Y-you don't have any patrol, today..?" He shyly asked, hoping Katsuki would spend the whole day with him. "I do but I still have some time before having to go." Katsuki answered and Izuku couldn't help but feel a little sad. "O-oh, okay..." He murmured, disappointment in his tone. Katsuki noticed it and so he reached out a hand to gently caress Izuku's cheek.

"Should I take the day off to stay with you today...?" He offered but Izuku immediately refused. "Y-you don't have to..!" The green-haired boy exclaimed. Interfering with the hero's work was the last thing he wanted to do.

"You're sure?" Katsuki insisted and Izuku confirmed. "Y-yes, don't worry..." He timidly said as he lowered his emerald eyes, the sight somehow making Katsuki feel bad. He hated leaving Izuku alone all day. If he could, he would gladly stay with the omega without any hesitation. But he couldn't just stop doing his job as the number one hero...

"Then, I'm taking you out on my next day off." He suddenly stated and Izuku perked up at this. "O-on a date...?" The omega hesitantly asked, his jade eyes almost sparkling. He had never gone on a date, and he really wanted to.

"On a date, baby," Katsuki confirmed and a small smile appeared on Izuku's lips. The omega didn't say anything in response but he instead happily snuggled up to the hero, a low purr starting to rumble out of his chest. It made Katsuki's heart melt and warmth fill his chest.

A few days ago, Izuku would have never done that. The smaller male would have been scared of touching the alpha and he would have never done anything without permission in fear of being punished... he really had made progress.

"Seems like you're getting more affectionate." Katsuki observed as he gently ran his hand through the boy's green curls, his words causing Izuku to slightly tense up. "I-Is it wrong..?" He timidly asked, light anxiety in his green eyes as he hesitantly looked up to the alpha.

"No, of course not. I fucking love it." Katsuki immediately answered before putting a loving kiss on Izuku's cheek. He was so glad the omega was finally comfortable enough around him to initiate affection.

"You're so adorable. So damn precious..." He kept praising while letting his fangs slightly nibble Izuku's ear, sending shivers down the omega's spine. "K-kacchan..." Izuku called out in a small whimper and Katsuki captured the smaller boy's lips with his, the two sharing a sweet and gentle kiss.

"Let's get out of the bath, baby." Katsuki softly murmured when their lips parted, his ruby eyes gazing into Izuku's beautiful orbs. The water was starting to cool off and it was almost time for the hero to go to work. Izuku hummed in response as he let Katsuki pick him up, the alpha getting out of the bathtub with the omega in his arms.

They dried themselves and went to get dressed, Katsuki putting on his hero's costume. He only had some patrols to do with Kirishima today, things should be calm since they had arrested a big part of the League. Shigaraki still was out there but he wouldn't manage to do anything alone.

"I have to go, Deku. I shouldn't come back late." Katsuki stated as he started to head toward the entry door when Izuku suddenly stopped him. "W-wait, Kacchan..!" He asked and the alpha turned around, not expecting the omega to put a sweet peck on his lips.

"H-have a good day..." Izuku timidly said, his freckled cheeks a soft red. He just was so cute and so Katsuki couldn't resist cupping Izuku's cheeks before giving him a real deep and heated kiss.

"Fuck... I love you, Izuku." He breathed out in a low voice after breaking the kiss and Izuku blushed. "I-I love you too." He shyly answered and Katsuki stole a last kiss from the smaller male before finally getting out of the house. If he stayed any longer, he wouldn't be able to leave the omega.

Izuku looked at the door some instant, his fingers softly brushing his lips and a small smile on his face. He already couldn't wait for Katsuki to come back.

He started to head back to the living room, the green-haired boy probably intending to watch some hero's videos, when he heard the door's bell ring. He wondered if Katsuki had forgotten something but then remembered the alpha wouldn't ring, he had the keys.

The bell rang again and Izuku hesitantly headed to the door, deciding to use the interphone. "H-hello? Who is it?" He timidly asked as he pressed the button and waited for an answer. But when he heard the reply, his blood instantly ran cold, deep fear spreading throughout his whole being.

"There you are, little whore. Open the door, I came to have some fun with you..."

To be continued

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