Chapter 26

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The next morning, Izuku woke up in panic. 

He just had a nightmare and so he abruptly sat up on the bed, tears streaming down his face. His whole body was shaking and his breathing was erratic, his heart racing inside his chest.

"Izuku," Katsuki called as he immediately pulled Izuku into his embrace. "Shhh, it's okay. You're safe, baby..." He murmured to try and calm Izuku down but the tiny omega was already having a panic attack. His respiration was heavy and air wasn't reaching his lungs as it should. 

"I need you to breathe, Izuku," Katsuki said while he started to release a large amount of soothing pheromones. "Can you do that for me?" He asked and Izuku tried to focus on his respiration. He took big shaky breaths, his emerald eyes not leaving Katsuki's crimson ones as he did. "That's it, you're doing good." The hero encouraged him while rubbing soothing circles on his back. 

It had been so long since Izuku had had a nightmare for the last time. He had almost stopped having them but this one was as bad as the one he had had the first time he slept there. Izuku had been doing so good but Shindo had ruined it all.

Katsuki tried to control his anger, his arms wrapping tighter around the smaller male's waist. "Are you okay?" He asked when Izuku seemed to have calmed down enough to breathe normally and the green-haired boy timidly nodded, before burrowing his face into Katsuki's neck.

"K-kacchan..." He whimpered in a small voice as he tightly held on to the alpha. "Y-you'll never hurt me, right...?" He asked, unexpected fear in his tone. He was scared and uncontrollably trembling. Right now, he desperately needed reassurance.

"Never, baby. You're too precious." Katsuki firmly answered. "I'll always treat you with care and I fucking swear I'll never let anyone else hurt you again." The hero promised as he gently ran his fingers through the boy's green curls, making Izuku slowly start to relax. He could trust Katsuki, the alpha had already proven it countless times.

"I'm here for you, I won't leave you alone. I took some days off from work so that I can stay with you." Katsuki said but it suddenly made Izuku stiffen. "I-I'm always a burden..." The omega silently murmured, sadness in his voice. He was always causing trouble for the hero and couldn't do anything in return to compensate for it.

"You're not, don't ever fucking say that." Katsuki lowly growled in response. Izuku had very low self-esteem. The fuckers who had raped the quirkless boy had made sure of that, they broke him. But Katsuki will do anything he could to make Izuku understand just how perfect he really was.

"You're the most precious thing I have, let me cherish you..." He murmured as he pressed small kisses on Izuku's cheeks. He gently wiped away Izuku's tears with his thumb before putting a loving kiss on his forehead, making the smaller male's heart melt. "K-kacchan..."

"Let's make you some breakfast, okay?" Katsuki said and Izuku timidly nodded, the omega not making any move to leave the alpha's arms. It didn't bother Katsuki as he simply stood up with Izuku in his arms, carrying him to the sofa in the living room. "Here. You can watch tv while I prepare you something, okay?" 

"O-okay..." Izuku shyly answered and Katsuki pressed another soft kiss on his forehead before heading to the kitchen. He decided he would make some pancakes and started to gather the necessary ingredients, when his phone suddenly rang.

He looked at who the caller was and decided to answer when he saw it was Kirishima. The redhead wouldn't bother him for nothing. "What?" He asked as he picked up the phone. "Bakugou! Did you watch the news?!" Kirishima promptly asked, his urgent tone surprising Katsuki. The alpha frowned, wondering what all this was about. 

"No." He answered and Kirishima immediately replied. "Don't let Midoriya watch it!" He said, causing Katsuki to worry. "What? Why?" The blond asked as he already started to head toward the living room where he had left Izuku.

"The media know about what happened yesterday! They also know who is Midoriya and why he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, it's everywhere in the news!" The redhead explained and Katsuki cursed under his breath. Izuku was already extremely fragile right now, he didn't need the whole world to know how he had been trafficked and abused for several years in addition.

The alpha arrived in the living room and he grunted as he found the sofa empty. But the tv was on and the news was visible on the screen, the big subtitles revealing Izuku's identity and Shindo's attempt at rape impossible to miss.

The commentators were already debating why Ground Zero would choose to be with a trafficked omega. As the number one hero, Katsuki was one of the most desired alpha to have as a mate. People would never accept someone like Izuku to have this spot. 

"Fuck." Katsuki growled before switching the tv off. He needed to find Izuku and so he started to head toward the bedroom. It was where the green-haired boy was the most likely to be. He opened the door and indeed found Izuku curled up in the middle of the large bed, the omega tightly holding his Ground Zero's plush against his chest as he quietly cried.

"Izuku..." Katsuki whispered, his heart clenching at the sight. He hated to see Izuku cry and to hear his sobs. "Hey, it's okay." The hero started to comfort as he joined the smaller male on the bed, his hand finding its way through Izuku's curls. "Who gives a shit about what damn extras think."

"T-they're right..." Izuku suddenly sniffled, his words taking Katsuki aback. "What?" The alpha asked and the omega restrained a whimper before continuing to talk. "Y-you can be with anyone you want, K-kacchan, you're amazing... you shouldn't be with me..." He silently whispered, what he was saying making his heart ache. 

"I-I'm broken... and d-dirty..." 

"You're not." Katsuki abruptly interrupted him. "You're smart and beautiful and perfect." He firmly affirmed.

Izuku was a real beauty. He was impossibly cute and had a mesmerizing charm, everyone who had seen him was forced to agree on this. He was also incredibly intelligent, he had proven it when he was the only one who found where the League would show up, whereas all kind of pro-heroes were struggling to do so. He may have been traumatized by everything that happened to him, but it was in no way his fault and only something to work on.

"Y-you wouldn't say that if you knew all they did to me... if you knew everything I was forced to do..." Izuku murmured in a whisper, a tear slowly rolling down his cheek.

"Then, tell me." 

Katsuki unexpectedly answered and it made Izuku's eyes suddenly widen in fear. "N-no! I can't! Y-you won't want me anymore!" The omega panicked, terror setting inside him. He was deeply scared; he didn't want Katsuki to look at him with disgust once the alpha knew everything, he just wouldn't be able to take it.

"I swear I could never stop wanting you, Izuku." Katsuki strongly assured as he saw the green-haired boy's distress. He needed to make him understand there was absolutely nothing that would make him change the way he felt about the omega. 

"I already told you, you're the only one for me." The hero whispered as his hand gently caressed Izuku's cheek, crimson orbs gazing into teary emerald eyes. "I could never stop loving you, Izuku." He added and Izuku let out a small whimper, his heart beating fast in his chest.

"So, tell me everything."

To be continued

I hope you liked this chapter!

You already know what the next one will be about, get ready...

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