Chapter 11

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Katsuki's office was situated on one of the highest floors of the building. It was spacious and rather simple but Izuku couldn't help but find it awesome; the view of the city from up there was impressive. The omega looked around everywhere and found everything interesting, from the different exposed prizes Katsuki had won to the prototypes of new hero costumes in the making.

Katsuki unconsciously smirked as he watched Izuku from the corner of his eyes. He found it adorable how the tiny omega would write observations in his notebook. Meanwhile, Katsuki had to read damn reports and sign fucking papers. Having his own agency was actually demanding a lot of work, even more when all heroes were currently on full alert because of The League's repeated attacks. 

Cooperating between agencies and catching them had become a priority.

Katsuki frowned as he received a message, the alpha standing up from his desk's chair. "Deku." He called out and waited to have Izuku's attention before continuing. "Someone has some important papers to give me. Stay here, I'll be quick." He informed and then left the office, leaving Izuku alone.

Not a lot of time passed before a knock on the door could be heard, surprising Izuku. Katsuki wouldn't knock since he had the pass to enter. Therefore it meant it was someone else and Izuku slowly felt anxiety setting inside him. He was scared to open the door and thought maybe it was okay if he just didn't.

"Open the door, Ground Zero. I have papers for you." The person from behind the door, surely a man, said and Izuku realized it was probably the important papers Katsuki was talking about. He wondered if he should maybe just tell the person that Katsuki was looking for him.

"I have other things to do, you know? Just open the door and take the papers!" The man impatiently stated, irritation clear in his tone. It frightened Izuku but the tiny omega also thought he couldn't just stay here doing nothing. So he made up his mind and nervously walked toward the door, before hesitantly opening it.

But when his eyes landed on who it was, Izuku abruptly froze, utter terror suddenly taking over him.

Before him was an alpha with dark unruly hair and warm brown eyes, a black and green hero's costume on. "Finally. What took you this long..?" The alpha started to ask but his voice trailed off when he took in sight who opened the door, a sinister smirk making its way on his face as soon as he recognised the green-haired boy.

"Oh? Look at what we got here." He said in a voice that made Izuku's blood curdle, the omega completely prettified in fear. "I never thought I would see you one day in Ground Zero's office." The alpha admitted as he slowly approached the smaller boy. 

"Did you miss me, my favourite cock-slave..?" Yo Shindo asked and his grin widened as waves of tremor abruptly travelled Izuku's body.

Izuku remembered the face of every single person who had raped him.

He could still sometimes see them in his nightmares and he knew he would probably never forget about them, they broke him and deeply traumatized him. But he would have never thought one of them would turn out to be a hero... 

"You know..." Shindo started as he took another step closer to the omega, slowly. "When I heard a raid has been mounted against the brothel where you were, I thought I would never see you again." He said and Izuku couldn't move nor say anything, his body was only shaking. He wanted to scream so bad but he couldn't even find his voice; he was paralysed in utter fear.

"You were the best slut I ever fucked, it would have been such a waste to lose you." The alpha continued with a sick grin on his face and Izuku felt every fibre of his being violently quiver, traumatic memories filling up his mind. He could remember the pain and despair he was continually in back at the brothel, the interminable abuse and constant fear he was always put through... 

"But then I recognised you on a video with the number one hero, I was definitely not expecting that!" Shindo exclaimed as he stood only inches away from Izuku, the alpha towering right in front of the terrified omega. "But it meant I could still get my hands on you." He stated in a low voice as he reached out a hand to Izuku, making the smaller boy flinch in terror.

"D-don't!"  Izuku finally found his voice back. He cried out, his whole being shuddering in deep fright. "K-kacchan! K-kacchan won't let you...!" He said in a trembling voice but Shindo only scoffed in response, the alpha almost looking amused. 

"Kacchan? Is that how you call him?" He mocked, a mischievous smirk appearing on his lips. "You know, he's only after your ass." The hero stated and Izuku's heart suddenly tightened in his chest at the words. "I mean, what else could he want from you, right?" Shindo added and his grin widened as he saw the pain in Izuku's eyes enhance. He wanted to see the tiny omega drown in even more despair.

"He won't save you, because you won't say a word about me to him... unless you want his career to end?" The alpha unexpectedly threatened and Izuku's eyes suddenly widened. "W-what?" He stuttered in a weak voice, his hopelessness deeply delighting Shindo. 

"Do you have any idea how quickly some terrible rumours about the number one hero could spread? Do you want to try and see what I could do to end his reputation? Hm?" He asked and Izuku could only desperately shake his head, the omega on the verge of tears. "N-no, please..." He pleaded as his stomach painfully tightened. He felt sick to his core only from being this close to the dirty hero. 

"Then, how about you let me play with you a little?" Shindo triumphantly asked as he leaned closer to Izuku, the green-haired boy shutting his eyes in horror. He had thought he would never have to experience something like that again. He had thought he was finally safe, that all of this torture was over...

"What the fuck are you doing here?" 

Katsuki demanded as soon as he entered his office and saw Shindo inside. The dark-haired alpha immediately stopped what he was doing at the voice and calmly turned around, facing Katsuki as if nothing had happened.

"Ground Zero. I came to give you these papers." He shamelessly stated as he handed the said papers, a smile present on his face. Katsuki suspiciously frowned but nevertheless took them, when his eyes landed on Izuku. 

The tiny omega looked absolutely terrified. His face was drained of any colour and his eyes full of fear, distressed pheromones enveloping him... 

"What did you do?" Katsuki reacted right away. He abruptly grabbed Shindo by his collar, a low growl escaping him. The other alpha feigned ignorance and only cocked an eyebrow in response, as if he didn't understand what Katsuki was talking about.

"What do you mean? We just talked." He simply answered, before looking right at Izuku. "Right?" He asked and the omega could hear the threat in the pro's tone, it made his whole body shiver in scare. "Deku?" Katsuki called out and Izuku fearfully lowered his eyes, anxiety eating him away.

"R-right." He said in a mere whisper, his stomach clenching. 

He felt like crying... 

"See? Then, I'm gonna take my leave." Shindo stated as he broke free of Katsuki's grasp, the dark-haired alpha heading toward the door with a smirk. "See you soon." He said just before disappearing and Izuku trembled. 

He knew these words were directed at him.

Katsuki noticed it and moved closer to the omega, sensing something was off. "Deku. What happened?" He asked as he reached out a hand to Izuku's cheek, wanting to reassure him. But it made Izuku abruptly flinch in fear, the reaction startling Katsuki. 

Izuku had stopped to flinch any time he tried to touch him...

"Deku?" Katsuki called out again, worry almost noticeable in his voice. Izuku tried to stop shaking and to take deep breaths, he couldn't have a panic attack now. He needed to act as if he was fine, he couldn't risk putting Katsuki's career in danger. After all, people needed the number one hero.

"N-nothing happened..." He finally answered in a small trembling voice, his words only concerning Katsuki further.

To be continued

Before anyone makes the confusion, Yo Shindo isn't the same person as Hitoshi Shinsou. He's the guy who got the vibration quirk that we saw in the provisional hero licence arc.

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