Chapter 23

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Please, don't read this chapter if you're easily triggered.

Izuku's heart momentarily stopped beating as he heard Shindo's words, his emerald eyes instantly widening in utter fear. He couldn't move, couldn't think, the omega was completely petrified in terror. 

When he finally reacted, his first reflex was to run the farthest away from the door. His legs were shaking and his breathing was already getting heavier. He spotted his phone on the living room table and quickly grabbed it before promptly heading to the dressing room. 

Right now, he was absolutely panicked and couldn't think effectively. He just knew he had to hide, he couldn't let Shindo get to him. The door was locked but this was a pro-hero we were talking about; if he really wanted to enter the house, he could. 

Izuku's hands trembled as he dialled Katsuki's number on his phone. He needed him. He wouldn't be able to take it, being raped again. Not after knowing what being treated right was.

The calling tone rang once, then twice. The omega's heart started to beat even faster as he exceeded the third calling tone, utter anxiety filling him up.

Katsuki didn't answer.

Izuku felt tears pool in his eyes as he got the voicemail but he didn't give up yet. He called again, silently praying for the alpha to answer. The green-haired boy was terrified and he let out a scream as he suddenly felt the floor shook, a loud thud reverberating throughout the house.

"Please, please, Kacchan... answer..." He desperately pleaded, his eyes shut closed. Shindo had surely destroyed the entry door and was now looking for the omega. Izuku tried to hide further into the dressing room, curling up between the clothes.

"Where are you hiding, little cock-slut...?"

He heard the hero say and his heart dangerously raced, tremors of fear travelling through his body. He once more got to Katsuki's voicemail and called again, slowly starting to lose any hope. No one would save him. He was all alone, defenceless.  

"You know, I can smell you..." Shindo said and Izuku restrained a whimper of anguish as the voice got closer to where he was hiding. Distress pheromones were oozing out of him. The door of the dressing room opened and he held his breath, unbearable fear swelling inside him. 

He knew Shindo was gonna find him and do whatever he wanted to him. He knew he would have to go through the abuse and pain he had despairingly tried to forget. There was no escaping it.


Katsuki's voice could suddenly be heard through the phone and Izuku almost flinched, a small gasp leaving his lips. He promptly took the phone to his ear and didn't waste time answering, his heart pounding inside his chest.

"K-kacchan! Please, come back! Shin-... aHh!"

The omega couldn't finish his sentence as a hand abruptly grabbed his green locks, causing him to drop the phone. He was brutally pulled out of the closet by his hair and he screamed at the surging pain, tears welling up in his jade eyes.  

"There you are." Shindo stated with a pleased smirk, loving the look of pain on Izuku's face. 

"N-no! Don't touch me!" Izuku cried out as he tried to wriggle out of the alpha's grip. "Kacchan!" He called out in desperation, utter terror filling him up. It almost amused Shindo. There was something so damn satisfying in watching the tiny omega being this helpless. 

"There's no point in calling him, you know. He's not here." He stated but Izuku fervently shook his head. "I-I called him! He's gonna come!" The green-haired boy shakily assured. Katsuki would come and save him. The blond alpha had told him he would always protect him, that he wouldn't let anyone touch him...

"Really? You really think he's gonna choose you over his job?" Shindo unexpectedly asked and Izuku suddenly became silent. 

"Don't forget he's the number one hero and you're just a filthy whore, you don't have this much value..." The dark-haired alpha added, a sick grin on his face. He just loved seeing the omega's emerald eyes be filled with despair. 

"N-no. I-it's not true..." Izuku stuttered, his voice trembling. He didn't want to believe it, but he just couldn't stop the doubts that were slowly making their way into his mind.

"Yes, it is. Does he even know how much of a slut you are? Did you tell him how many dicks you sucked? Or how many alphas fucked you?" Shindo asked, his words striking deep into Izuku. The green-haired boy couldn't say anything as his heart ached, his chest painfully clenching.

He couldn't deny it. 

If Katsuki knew everything that had been done to him, he would be disgusted. He wouldn't want to touch Izuku anymore, even less love him.

A single tear slowly rolled on his cheek and the sight deeply fulfilled Shindo. "Your only use is to keep being a whore. At least, you're good at this." He said as an evil smirk appeared on his features.

Izuku had almost forgotten how it felt, to be abused and insulted like this. 

He had almost forgotten the pain and anguish, the unbearable sensation of helplessness. He just couldn't do anything against an alpha. He was weak and vulnerable, he was only a toy to play with...

"Yeah, that's right." Shindo laughed. "I missed making you cry." His words increased Izuku's sobs, tears relentlessly rolling down the omega's cheeks. The sight was absolutely priceless but Shindo still wanted more, he couldn't get enough.

"Should I fuck you Ground Zero's bed..?" He suddenly asked, a wide grin making its way on his face at the thought. Raping the number one hero's omega on his own bed was sure to get him off.

"N-no! Please!" Izuku immediately started to beg as Shindo dragged him out of the dressing room and into the corridor. "S-stop! Let me go!" He cried and squirmed, desperately trying to escape the alpha's grasp. 

He managed to scratch Shindo's face and the dark-haired hero let out a grunt before throwing Izuku onto the floor. "You fucking slut..." He growled, using his foot to violently kick Izuku's side. 

Izuku screamed in pain and curled up on the floor, his body aching. But then he felt hands trying to remove his pants and completely panicked, utter fear taking over him. "N-no! Don't touch me!" He yelled as he struggled, doing everything he could to not let Shindo take off his clothes. 

"Stop fucking squirming!" The alpha shouted before forcefully pressing Izuku's face against the floor and pinning the omega's arms. Izuku couldn't move anymore and he trembled underneath Shindo, deeply terrified. 

"I'm gonna make you cry so much..." The dirty hero murmured in a wicked voice, his hands moving to Izuku's pants. The green-haired boy shook and whimpered in fear, his sobs resonating into the corridor.

He had thought he would never have to go through this and suffer again. He had thought he finally was safe, that he could finally be happy...

He didn't want to be raped again. 

"K-kacchan!" He cried out as he closed his eyes tightly, desperately calling his alpha's name. That's when an explosion suddenly went off, the sound of a deep growl resonating into the whole house.

 "Get the fuck away from my omega!!"

To be continued

Well, I hope you liked this chapter. I tried my best to make it so that you could feel Izuku's fear.

Don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts as usual!

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