Chapter 14

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"Deku?" Katsuki called as he entered his house.

During the last few days, he had barely managed to see Izuku. The League had struck again, this time causing even more damage and victims, leading to all agencies being on high alert. Patrols had been increased in order to cover all areas at all times and Katsuki would go home late in the night, when Izuku was already asleep. 

It was getting on the alpha's nerves. The situation was stressful and Katsuki was overworking himself, he barely got any rest. But being separated from Izuku was even worse for him. It made him feel restless and he only wanted to be with the tiny omega, to inhale his sweet scent and touch him.

Tonight he finally was able to get out of work sooner than usual. The sky was already dark but the night was still young, Katsuki had hoped Izuku wasn't sleeping yet. He could smell the omega's delicious scent in the air as he entered his house further and immediately started to head to where it was coming from.

It was leading him to the kitchen and Katsuki wondered what Izuku could be doing there this late, the alpha not expecting the sight he came upon. 

The kitchen was a mess. There were flour, cake mixture and kitchen tools scattered everywhere, some even on the floor, and different types of spices all over the table. Izuku seemed busy taking something out of the oven, the omega not even noticing Katsuki coming behind him.

"What are you doing?" Katsuki asked and Izuku abruptly flinched, startled by the sudden voice coming out of nowhere. He promptly turned around and saw Katsuki looking at him questionably, making him panic.

"I-I'm sorry!" He apologized right away, before starting to uncontrollably mutter. "I-I just noticed you were kind of stressed lately b-because of work so I-I wanted to d-do something for you and I t-tried to make cookies b-but I know you like spicy f-food so I added spices b-but I'm not sure how it turned out and I made a mess b-because I don't really know how to cook and I-I'm really sorry...!" 

The omega explained everything at the same time in a nervous rambling and Katsuki found it absolutely endearing. Izuku was just so precious and all the stress the hero had accumulated these last few days vanished all at once, just like that. 

"Izuku." He called out and Izuku looked up at him with big green eyes, anxiety filling them up. "Y-yes..?" He whispered in a small timid voice, scared to have angered Katsuki and of what could come. 

But Katsuki simply pulled Izuku into his embrace, the smaller boy's heart jumping inside his chest as he felt strong arms wrapping around his waist. 

"Fuck, you're driving me fucking crazy. Why are you so fucking adorable?" Katsuki murmured in a deep voice that sent shivers down Izuku's spine. The omega's breathing hitched and his body heated up at the words he just heard, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't find his voice to answer anything and only shuddered when he felt Katsuki's warm breath on his neck, the alpha inhaling the omega's sweet scent.

"Is it my shirt you're wearing, Deku?" He asked and Izuku felt his blood rushing to his cheeks. "W-well... I-I mean, it's just... you haven't b-been here a lot lately.. and I-I like having y-your scent near me..."  he timidly confessed and Katsuki just couldn't resist. He let out a low possessive growl as he tightened his grasp on the omega, pulling him impossibly closer to him.

"Fuck. You're so fucking precious..." The alpha murmured as something warm spread inside him. Izuku was just so cute, wearing his shirt and cooking for him. Katsuki never wanted to let go of him. 

"K-kacchan..." Izuku timidly called out as he felt hands slowly move closer to his butt, making his heart beat faster. He shuddered when Katsuki suddenly grabbed his ass cheeks, a silent gasp escaping him as the alpha gently squeezed them in his large hands.

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