54. Wedding Night Part-2

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Karna was restless.

It was his wedding night.

His face broke out into sweat.

He had to roll so many papads before he could ask her for marriage, he could only imagine how their night would play out.

He was sure to mess it up again.

'Saanvi is the best thing to ever happen to you Karna, apart from finding your family Of course. You dare not ruin anything tonight.'- He told himself.

He was sitting the groom's chambers surrounded by his brothers and elders of the house.

"See Bhrata Yudhisthir, how eager he looks to visit his chamber."- teased Bheem.

Karna chuckled.
"Are you all going to tease me mercilessly now?"- he asked them all.

"Obviously!"- replied Arjun.

"Jokes apart, I really am grateful to all of you my brothers.
If not for you, I would have surely lost Saanvi tonight.
Thanks for being my partners in crime."- Karna spoke to his brothers.

"Jyeshtha, we helped you only because we did not want saanvi to go away from Hastinapur to some random place like Kaanchi without us being present for her protection."- Said Sehdev.

"And being the most handsome of you lot, I had decided that Saanvi only deserves me and if you were even a moment late dear Jyeshtha, I would have myself asked Saanvi to marry me!"- teased Nakul.

"Excuse me! She is Saanvi Bhabhi to you Nakul!"- Karna retorted.

"They are only teasing you putra Karna."- entered Bheeshma Pitamaha.

All the brothers stood up and folded their hands in Namaste.

"Here wear these clothes.
This is the traditional angavastram every man of our lineage wears when starting new phases of their lives.
This one is yours to preserve"- Said pitamaha handing Karna a set of new clothes.

Karna obediently wore them.

Pitamaha suddenly changed his voice and spoke-
"Being the eldest here, do I need to have 'the talk' with you Karna?"

The pandavas except Karna laughed out loud.

"I appreciate your concern Pitamaha, but let me remind you that you do not qualify to give me the talk, my dear lifelong-celibacy sworn man!"- retorted Karna.

Pitamaha along with everybody else laughed out loud.

"He sure seems to have grown up only in a few hours of his marriage!"- Vidur, Karna's uncle remarked.

Everybody laughed again!

"It's time dear Karna. Let's take you to your and your wife's chambers."- Vidur informed.

Karna heart increased it's beat!

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