35.Fighting over Yudhisthir?

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Saanvi's POV:
Saanvi woke up late the next day.
Her whole body was in pain due to yesterday's exhaustion. Her eyes were puffy.
She remembered everything that happened yesterday.
'I must thank Karna for being there for me in tough times like this. Also, I think I should apologize for my out of the line behavior and the fact that I slept on him, and he had to later carry me.! How embarrassing!.'

Anyway, she had to get up and get ready for the women's court hearings.
Back to Work!

Later, Maata Kunti called her to her chambers.
On reaching her chambers, Maata kunti officially introduced her to Draupadi-
"Draupadi, meet Saanvi. She is the founder of our women's council. I want you to get involved in the council with her soon. Apart from that, Consider her your sister as she is my foster daughter."
Draupadi nodded.

"Now, Putri Saanvi i would like to have a few words with you."
"Sure Maata."
And they went to the gardens.
"Saanvi, I am sorry for how things turned out. But I will still fulfil my promise to you of making you my daughter-in-law."- she said.

Saanvi was shocked- "How maata?"
"I know you started liking Yudhisthir. I could see it in both your eyes. Now, polygamy is a very common concept among kings. Yudhisthir can have many other wives. If you both want, we will all be appreciative of you two."

This was another shock to Saanvi.
"Maata are you asking me to become Yudhisthir's second wife?"
"Ofcourse."- said Kunti.

Even though Saanvi loved Yudhisthir, She did not support polygamy. It only brings hatred, malice and envy among the womenfolk. And when the women are not happy how can the men be happy?
"Answer me when you are ready."- said Kunti and walked away.
Soon Saanvi also left the palace for her home.

But they both did not notice a third person standing there and listening in on their conversation!

The next day:
Draupadi had been looking for an opportunity to talk to Saanvi. But she had so many rituals to perform that she rarely had time the last two days.
But now she finally had the chance to talk to her.

After Draupadi's first council meeting ended, Draupadi followed Saanvi to her chambers secretly.

"Saanvi jiji."-Draupadi called out.
"Rani Draupadi! What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"

"Saanvi jiji. I..I wanted to confess something to you... Please forgive me."- Draupadi's eyes teared.

"What are you talking about rani-sa?"

"It was my fault that I took Arya Yudhisthir away from you jiji."- Blurted Draupadi with tears in her eyes.

Saanvi was shocked. Draupadi knew about her and Yudhisthir!
"What are you talking about Rani Draupadi?"- Saanvi feigned ignorance.

"Since birth, I was promised to the man who will defeat my father in a battle. When Arya won the battle, I was given to him.
But he told me that he loved you jiji. And he would never betray you.
Hearing this, I was broken jiji. I had nowhere else to go. My father already gave me away to Arya Yudhisthir and now Arya refused to take me with him.
Seeing no path, I tried to kill myself jiji.
It was then that Arya Yudhisthir agreed to marry me."

Saanvi was silent. It means Yudhisthir did not betray me. Yudhisthir never lied. He loved me as well. Saanvi was getting happier with each passing moment.

"Earlier, I thought that with time, Arya will forget about you. I hated you Jiji because you already had my husband's heart before I could even get a chance. I was jealous of you. But when I came here and saw you, I realized that it was me who came between you two and not the other way around. I have realized my mistake Jiji."

"Yesterday, I heard You and Maata Kunti talking in the garden about your marriage to Arya.
But Arya already told me that you will never share him with another wife.
Jiji, if you will ask me to leave, I will not hesitate and I will go far away from your and Arya Yudhisthir's life. "- said Draupadi.

Hearing Draupadi, Saanvi realised that this situation was nobody's fault. It was all fate. Destiny. Govind.

She had a rush of affection for Draupadi. Draupadi was such a soft-hearted woman.
"No Rani Draupadi. You are prince Yudhisthir's wife and you will not go anywhere. He and I were not meant to be. There is nothing any more between us Draupadi.
And you are right-I cannot give myself to a married man ever. You need not go anywhere.
I will stay out of your way. Now, I request you to please enjoy your married life with your husband."- said Saanvi.

"Jiji I destroyed three lives. How can my marriage be successful? Arya won't even look at me."- saying this Draupadi cried.

"Draupadi, I am sorry. I became an obstacle in your happy life. But I promise you, Everything will turn out all right."- saying this Saanvi hugged Draupadi and consoled her.

"- saying this Saanvi hugged Draupadi and consoled her

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