49. What next?

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Just want to share with you all:
I remeber when I started this story, there were rarely any stories on time travel involving our epics.
But today it seems as if everyone is writing a story on this topic!!
I don't know why I feel a little sad about this fact but it is making me less intrested in continuing this story.
Nothing feels unique to me nowadays and so I am less enthusiastic in completing my chapters.
Lets hope I make it to the end, that to with my 100% efforts.


Karna returned a week later.
As soon as he came, Bheem came running to him.

"Jyeshtha, did you hear what is going on in the palace?"- he asked Karna.

Karna was surprised to find Bheem asking him for some gossip.
"No. Did something happen?"

"Jyeshtha, The palace is preparing for weddings."

"Yes Bheem. Dushala is getting married, I know!"

"I said weddings Jyeshtha, weddings!"

"Oh. Someone else is getting married too? Is is Arjun-Subhadra?"-Karna asked.

"Jyeshtha, King Shantanu has proposed an alliance with Saanvi, for marriage."- Bheem stated.

Karna's eyes darkened.

"Saanvi agreed to the proposal. They both are getting married on the same day as Dushala."- Said Bheem.

Karna was staring at Bheem agape.
"You got to be kidding me. She can't do that. She doesn't even know him. And I..I love her goddammit."

"But only Three days are left for Dushala's marriage so that means Saanvi is getting married in 3 days?"

"You need to do something quick jyeshtha."

And this was how Karna exited his room marching full speed.
"I need to have a talk with her."

Karna rushed into the palace, sweat dripping from his body due to all the running he did to find Saanvi.

He searched for Saanvi all around and finally found her surrounded by Subhadra, Dushala and Draupadi.

They were all teasing Saanvi in the name of Shantanu.
Karna felt uneasy.
Karna cleared his throat to indicate his presence.
All four women curiously looked at him.

"May I talk to Saanvi for a minute? Alone."
The other three looked at each other for a moment, but finally left the room, leaving Karna and Saanvi behind.

Karna looked at Saanvi.

Saanvi's eyes were unleashing fire. She was angry at Karna. She was disappointed in him.

"Saanvi, Please forgive me for that night.

"I don't think I can. You broke my trust. And where have you been all these days."

"May I offer you an explanation?"

"I don't think there is anything in the world you can say to me that will mend what you broke."

"I love you."

Saanvi looked at Karna startled. This was unexpected.

"May be you do not know this, but I am getting married in 3 days."

"I love you. Maybe since the day I saw you. Even before you and Yudhisthir had a thing."-Karna continued.

Saanvi was still silently gaping at Karna.

"I had started thinking that even you may like me back. So, Seeing Shantanu flirt with you and you replying to his actions, I lost my control.
I am not justifying myself. I am genuinely sorry for what i did.
I also know that you do not like Shantanu.
So I am asking you not to marry him.

Till an hour ago, I did not know of your marriage otherwise I would have come straight to you and asked you to Marry me instead."

Saanvi never thought she could be more surprised.

"Marry me Saanvi."-Karna said again.
Saanvi wanted to say yes. She liked him. She wanted to be with him.
She was sure, she would grow to love him soon.
But now, It was not possible.

In 3 days, she will marry Shantanu.
She cannot deny the marriage now.

"Karna you cannot just propose me. Marriages do not happen in haste."

"My proposing to you is seemingly less hasty than you agreeing to marry Shantanu."

"Karna, I..I have never thought about you in that way."

"Do not lie Saanvi. Talking for hours every day, the movie and our night in the tent, that day at the armory, don't lie that you never felt a thing for me."

Karna's eyes moistened.

"Karna, I was involved with your brother. It is not done for me to be with you as well."

"Yudhisthir messed up, not you! Apparently, we brothers have a messing up tradition. Why are you denying me my love due to somebody else's mistakes?"

"Karna, I.."

"Do you love me?"-Karna asked.

"May be. I don't know. My mind right now is clouded. I can't think properly."

"Why did my opinion that day hurt you this much Saanvi? Why does my opinion even matters? Just because I am a friend! I don't think so."

"Karna, I have promised shantanu a marriage. Kunti Maa herself took the proposal to our king. Shantanu's family, guests from all other Kingdoms have come, and now there is nothing that can be done."

A tear slipped past Karna's eyes. He felt his body go limp. He could not stand the thought of losing Saanvi.

'No. I cannot lose her. I need to do something. I need to do something now.'

Karna looked at Saanvi and asked-"If there was a way, Would you marry me?"

Every second in the last seven days made Saanvi regret that cursed moment in which she thought about marrying Shantanu.

She replied without a second lost.

PS: How was it people? How is the story so far?

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