18.To The River

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A/N: Hello friends. If you like my story please nominate it for Choiceawards 2020. Also I have posted a few oneshots. Please give them a try. They can be found in my profile.
Thanks! Enjoy Reading!

•It was a new friendship and Saanvi had a new task. She had to give prince bheem a new taste.
When saanvi was making that promise she very well knew what she was gonna offer him.
She did not come to this era alone. Along with her was her little back that managed to time jump somehow.
She had just few items in her bag that day when she went boating. Thanks to waterproofing!
Her phone which discharged and switched itself off with no charger and no electricity in this era.
"Maybe I can try to make a solar charger!"-She said.
The other thing of most importance right now was a rectangular bar of dark cocoa sitting snuggly in a corner of her bag.
She was so tempted to take it out and have a bite, but she controlled herself and kept it in another bag to take to the palace.
"I must save a piece for Lata also."- she murmured.
She decided that she will go the palace tomorrow but for now she needed to sleep as she had to wake up early as it was her turn tomorrow to fetch water from the river.

The next morning:
"Wake up Jiji! Go and fetch some water. I have to clean the aangan till you come back."- Lata's voice came drifting into Saanvi's ear.
The sun's rays were barely peeking out through the sky, when Lata was ready to head to the river. She wore her mojris(slippers) and picked up her share of two vessels, the other two were lata's and started walking to the river.
She wasn't alone on her way to the river. Many young girls and ladies were walking with her.
As told earlier, Saanvi was more of a celebrity now so, everyone wanted to talk to her. One such was Hari- tai.
"Devi, do you have some time to talk?"- said Hari-tai(aunt).
"Ofcourse taiji. Please say what happened?"-saanvi said.
"See beta, I have some rash on my hand. Is it any danger to me?"- she asked.
"hmm. When did you get it taiji?"- Saanvi asked.
"last night! I got very scared and thought O should ask you."- tai said.
"Okay let me take a look."- said Saanvi. She then proceeded to put her vessels down by her side, and carefully touched the rash.
After a while of checking she said-"Arey Taiji, this is just a mosquito rash. You must have sat in the aangan in the evening right?"
"Oh yes I remember. Thank you beta for looking after us."- she said and walked away.
Saanvi was smiling at the silly aunt and bent down to pick up her vessels. But to her surprise instead of two, only one was there.
"Where did the other one go?" Saanvi looked around her to see a little girl holding her water-pot and running in another direction.
Saanvi called out to her but she did not listen. Saanvi started running after the little girl too.
By the time she reached the girl she was panting.
"Where are you taking my pot?"- She asked the girl.
"I like it."
"That's it. Listen little kiddo. You should not take other people's stuff. Okay?"
Saanvi took the pot from the girl and started walking back to the river.
Walking a few steps, she suddenly halted.
"OMG! This is not the way to the river. OMG I am officially lost now!"
Saanvi tried going in various directions to look for the way to the river. After much work she found a young lady walking back to her home carrying waterpot on her head.
"Oh so that way is the river."- she said and started walking in the direction from where the lady came.

After walking for about 10 minutes she started doubting herself. She did not think this is the path she needed. Because now she was surrounded by a dense jungle.
Saanvi was a bit scared now. It was still a little dark. She tried to be brave and walked ahead as she had no choice.
Suddenly, she heard rustling of some leaves. Saanvi stopped to look but nobody was there. She started walking ahead. The rustling sound came again as if someone was walking on them. Now she was beyond scared. "Whoever is there come out now!"- She snapped.
And as she wished, a big black wolf came out of the bushes running full sleep towards her. She dropped the water-pots on the ground and screamed and closed her eyes in fear.
She was waiting with bated breath for the sharp teeth to sink into her flesh. But the attack never came. She opened one of her eyes to see the wolf nowhere in sight.
She opened both her eyes and saw the wolf lying on the ground. Probably dead. She looked around wildly, and found the killer of the wolf.
Her saviour!
Her saviour who was naked on the top!
Her saviour who had a broad chest and big muscles!
Her hot saviour!

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