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"Saanvi jiji! Wake up!"-Lata was shouting.
"Yes..I love...Zyan..Harry..hmm"
"Are you sleep talking jiji? We have no time for this. Please wake up...Jiji is not waking up. I guess I have no other way."- said lata.
Lata exited and then entered the room with a mug in her hand filled with water. She went to where Saanvi was sleeping and poured the whole of the mug over her.
Saanvi woke up screaming.
"No Harry don't drop me in the water!.."
"What are you saying jiji?"- Lata.
"Wha... What the hell Lata? Why did you do this?"- Saanvi.
"Jiji Prince Yudhisthir is on the gate waiting to meet you."- Said Lata.
Saanvi was shocked.
"Yudhisthir? Here? At this time? Why?"- asked Saanvi.
"How will I know jiji? He is asking for you urgently!"
"Okay okay. Let me see him."- said Saanvi.
She got up from the bed and started walking towards the door when Lata calles out again- "At least change your clothes jiji! This tank-blouse of yours leaves nothing to imagination!"
"Oh stop it Lata, he is soon going to see much more of me in these clothes, or may be without clothes."- said Saanvi and moved to the door.
Lata tried removing her own duppata to wrap it around Saanvi, but Saanvi was too fast to run to the door.

"Prince Yudhisthir? What is the matter that you had to see me so urgently?"
"Saanvi. I needed to see you before leaving."
"Leaving? Where are you going?"
"What the hell are you wearing?"- Yudhisthir exclaimed looking at Saanvi from top to feet. She was in a tank top that barely covered her upper body, with a loose pant.
"It's a pajama and a top. It is our sleeping dress from where I come."- Saanvi replied.
"Now tell me where are you going?"- She added.
"I cannot tell you much but our nearby kingdom has initiated an attack on us. I have to go defend our kingdom."
"You are going on a..War?"
"Yes Saanvi."
Saanvi got upset for a second.
"Do not worry I will return soon."
"Please return soon and in a single piece!"
Yudhisthir laughed and his eyes turned michevious.
"For that, you need to give me something as an incentive to come back to you sooner."
Saanvi blushed.
"What now prince?"
"Give me your answer to my proposal of marriage."
Saanvi wanted to scream a huge YES! But only destiny knows why she wasn't able to utter that single word. Something was stopping Saanvi from saying yes.
"If you come back to me as a winner, I will give you my answer."- she said.
Seeing Yudhisthir's disappointed face, she smiled and stood on her tip-toes and gave Yudhisthir a peck on the cheeks!
Yudhisthir's eyes widened in surprise which was soon followed by the biggest grin he could muster.
"Umm. Okay bye."- Said Yudhisthir embarrassed.
"Wait! Just wait for a moment."- Saanvi said and rushed inside the doors.

Soon she was back with a plate which had some roli and rice on it. She smeared the roli on Yudhisthir's forehead and put the rice on it.
"Vijay Bhava!"- she said.
Yudhisthir was too impressed and touched to say a thing. He was too overcome with emotions.
"I love you."- Yudhisthir blurted out.
Now it was Saanvi's turn to be shocked.
"I..I.." - Saanvi tried to say something but Yudhisthir stopped her.
"No! Give me your reply after I come back."
Saying this, Yudhisthir turned and left the place.

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