22.Love? Or Not.

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Saanvi now started visiting the palace frequently. She decided that she will put her knowledge and experience to some use.
She saw how women were treated in thise times.
So, one day she went to prince Yudhisthir as he was the one who handled the law and order in the kingdom. She asked him to let her form a women's court with basic women rights, where women can freely discuss their problems.
After much discussion, the council regretted why they had'nt thought of it earlier.
Soon Saanvi formed a Council with Maharani Kunti and Maharani Gandhari as the head. She was elected as the president by the council. Also, Lata, Bhanumati (Duryodha's wife) and Dushala, Sister to pandavas and kauravas became a part of the active committee.
The women's council was a big hit. Women from various parts came with their problems that no one was addressing to before.
Saanvi became a popular figure inside as well as outside the palace.
Her friendship with the pandav princes was progressing. She and Dushala were like sisters now.
Saanvi grew respect for herself in everybody's hearts. But in some hearts, another emotion was also growing- 'Love'.

Karna's POV:
She came in like breeze in my life. A Light, scented, cooling breeze. When I first saw her at the river almost drowning, her big eyes filled with fear entrapped me. The way she talked to me like I was just as normal as her, enthralled me.
Her kindness, her knowledge, her ideas, her creativity, were all enlightening to me.
She even had my all brothers and sister wrapped around her finger. I have never seen sister Dushala so happy before. This friendship did good to her. She had bheem in control the day she gave him that cho-kho-laa-tee. Yumm! It was delicious! Slowly, even Yudhisthir was warming up to her.
Even maata kunti was so enraptured by her!
But there was something different about her. Like she had been plucked from some other time and rooted here. How come the place 'Varanasi' as she claims to come from is nowhere to be found! I have sent my troops far across the land to search for the place but no such thing exists in the whole of Bharat-varsh!
And I do not know of any other women who can read or write. Her disinterest in activities that are the essence of women like sewing, cooking, etc were unknown to her.
And her use of some odd language when she speaks fast! I have never heard such a language.
What a mystery she is! Maybe that is why I like her so much.
Wait... I like her...so much!
No. It's just respect that I have for her.
But it's not hard to like her or even fall in love with her. Any man would be lucky to have her.
I have seen many Mantris in the court look at her with lust in their eyes. Her beauty probably does not help. Her fair skin, her big doe eyes, her full lips, her soft curves...
No I should not be thinking about her like this!
She is a respectable lady, and I will not degrade her in such a way.

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