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New characters in the chapter:
Shon- Karna's foster brother from Radha maa
Arjuna/Bheem/Yudhisthur/Nakul/Sehdev- Karna's brothers from maa kunti

                              3000 BC:

"Pranipaat rajkumaar! Rajmata kunti has summoned you in her chamber immediately." - One of the dasis at the palace told karna.

Karna, at once exited his room to visit his mother's chambers which were at the other side of the palace.
"Kunti maa must have called me to celebrate my today's exhibition."

Karna knew that Kunti maa tried her hardest to make up for the lost years in her child's life.
On his way to his maata, karna got lost in his past once again-

'One day, when Karna was home, his younger brother Shon, came crying loudly, complaining of having been beaten by his friends for no fault of his. When his cries reached the ears of his elder brother, Karna rushed out of the house and soundly thrashed the children who beat up his brother.
Due to his extraordinary powers, He was feared by other children of the village since that fight with them.
This made him a loner and in his later years he would roam around the village aimlessly to avoid the loneliness. His Radha maa would often think about marrying him off to some girl just to make his depression go away.
Even after he discovered that he had 105 brothers, and a sister, he often felt he did not belong there.
The difference in his upbringing, years of living on bare minimum neccessities, his long depressive years in the village made him drastically different from his siblings that he found it hard to connect with them.'

                 *At Kunti's chambers*

"Jyeshtha! Where were you all this time? We have been waiting for you."- Nakul exclaimed.

Karna was pulled out of his thoughts by his younger brother's voice. Karna entered maa kunti's chambers to see his mother and all his five younger brothers sitting there.

"Huh! You were waiting for me?"

"Bhratashri, did you forget that maa kunti asked you to come straight to us once the exhibition ends?"- asked Yudhisthir.

"Why bhratashri? Looks like you were lost in somebody's thoughts!"- Arjuna teased karna.

"Okay enough teasing! Come inside putra karna."- said maata Kunti.

"Ji maa."- said karna touching his mother's feet for blessings.

"Now that jyeshtha is here can we all have some sweets on the account of his successful completion of arms taining."- said Bheem.

Karna laughed looking at bheem. His giant of a brother was so childlike and a big foodie.

Everybody sat down to have some food. Maa Kunti was even feeding karna with her own hands.
Karna looked around and smiled to himself- No matter if it were a little late, but he was glad he found his family.

 Karna looked around and smiled to himself- No matter if it were a little late, but he was glad he found his family

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A/N: My initial chapters are very short but they will get progressively longer, As I am only starting to get the gist of writing.

The Tumble Through TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora