Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N There's a little cussing in this chapter so be warned.

Cole's POV

I growl fiercely, shaking crazily. Scarlet's missing. The Warriors went to her house and no one was there. She won't answer her phone. I'm going to shift any moment but I don't care. I growl and whine. Scarlet, my angel, my mate, my Luna...gone. The front door to the pack house slams open. I growl at the person. I turn to see Jackson limping through the door. I run to him.
"Jackson! You're alive." I say. I hug him, not caring about showing my vulnerability. Jackson pats my back. I pull away and see tears in his eyes.
"C-Cole, they have Scarlet." Jackson stutters out. My heart stops. No. I start to shake. I growl loudly.
"What do you mean they have Scarlet?!" I growl loudly.
"She gave up herself to save me, she forced me to run and not fight." Jackson says. I growl loudly, anger and pain radiating over me. James takes over and I shift.
"Everyone go to their rooms!" Jackson yells. James claws at the furniture, tearing the couch apart, piece by piece. James growls loudly, shaking everything in the room, breaking several things. James runs out the door and into the forest. They have my mate. They have my angel, my soulmate, my true love, my Luna. James and I howl in pain, clawing at everything. I hear someone walk up to me. We turn around growling. I see Jackson standing there, looking broken.
"I'm so sorry Cole." Jackson says. James growls and launches himself at Jackson. James claws at Jackson, snapping our jaw at his neck. I try to pull him back but we are too upset to think level headed. Jackson shifts and fights me back, defending himself. Soon the anger turned to a deep sadness. I stop fighting and collapse on the ground. James whines loudly and retreats back into my mind. I shift back. A lone tear falls from my eye. I've never been so sensitive but my love is missing, maybe hurt...or worse. They stole my Luna, my precious mate. Jackson puts his hand on my shoulder. They're going to hurt my Angel. I love her and I never got to tell her. I sigh and wipe the year away. I stand up and get dressed in basketball shorts that we hide in the forest. I look over at Jackson, who is dressed now too, to see him beaten up more than he was before.
"I'm sorry. I know it isn't your fault." I say. He shakes his head.
"I understand, you needed someone to blame." Jackson says. I nod. I can't believe I let this happen.
"This is all my fault. I should have never left her alone. Why would she give herself up?! We could have made a plan!" I say, frustrated. I run my hand through my hair. I have to get her back. I take off the shorts and shift again. I run to Scarlet's house, Jackson by my side. I need to grab something of hers so I can track her scent. I shift back and put on the shorts. I see that Mr. Paine isn't home, he must be out looking for Scarlet. I go around the back and pick the lock. Jackson and I walk into the house. I run up to her stairs and into her room. I look around for something to grab. I see a paper laying on her bed. I pick it up.
'Dear Cole,
I need to save Jackson. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to him. There is no other way, I have to give myself to the rogues. I'll try my best to escape but know that if I don't survive, you made my life better than I ever imagined it could be. Tell my family I love them.

Scarlet's POV

Darkness is all I see. They blindfolded me and shoved me in a car. We drove for what seemed like an hour and then they dragged me out. We walked a little ways then they tied me to a chair in a metallic smelling room. All I could think of was Cole and my family. I miss them already. I hear the door to the room open. The blindfold is ripped off my face. I blink, adjusting my eyes to the light. I see a different rogue standing in front of me with a video camera in his hand. He smiles menacingly at me.
"Hello, Luna." He says.
"Uh, hello." I say. He laughs.
"What's the video camera for?" I ask, slightly afraid.
"We are going to video tape you and send it to your mate, but first we need to rough you up a bit." He says, smiling evilly. I gulp nervously. This can't be good. I watch as he sets down the video camera and grabs a knife out of his back pocket.
"Why don't we have a little fun Luna?" He says. I try to move but the ropes tied against my legs and wrists are tied too tight. He walks towards me, his smell hitting me full force. Ugh, he smells horrible. He takes the knife, moving it slowly towards my leg.
"Please, don't do this. What have I ever done?" I say. He looks at me intently.
"You haven't done anything, you're just collateral damage." He says. He brings down the knife and presses it against my jeans, towards the middle of my thigh. He cuts deep through my jeans and into my skin. I cry out in pain. He cuts the other leg. Tears form in my eyes and I cry out again. He drops the knife. Oh thank goodness, it's over. He pulls back his hand in a fist and punches my eye.
"Ah!" I scream in pain. The pain radiates through my body. He keeps punching me, from my face to my body. The pain was excruciating and I can no longer see through my right eye anymore. He stops punching me and I sigh in relief. He grabs the knife. Oh no. He grabs the front of my shirt and uses the knife to cut off my shirt. I spit out the blood that's in my mouth.
"W-what are you doing?" I ask quietly. I hated that I was showing more weakness but I needed to know. He smiles.
"Your mate has to see all the damage I caused." He says. He grabs the video camera.
"You're going to beg him to save you. Tell him that if he doesn't give up his pack that we are going to kill you." He says. He turns on the camera. I take a breath.
"Cole, please, please don't listen to them! Never give the pack up!" I say. The man walks over and slaps me hard.
"Say your lines bitch!" He yells. I nod. He turns on the video camera again.
"Cole, please save me. They told me that if you don't give up your pack that they'll...they'll kill me. Please save me." I say, tears running down my cheeks at the pain. He turns off the video camera and walks out of the room, leaving me alone and bleeding.

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