Chapter Two

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I can do that.  The moment I looked into her beautiful eyes I knew I would never want someone else.  She is my one and only and always will be.  Oh my gosh, what's happening to me?  I am a bad ass alpha and a single girl is making me soft.  She starts walking to her first period.  My wolf and I sadden when we realize we don't have a single class with our beautiful mate.  I look around the hall as we walk.  I see a few of my pack members looking at me confused.  I glare at them and they quickly look away.  I am the Alpha of The Blue Moon Pack.  Being Alpha means I am the leader of my pack, they have to do what I say and can't challenge me.  An Alpha's mate is called the Alpha Female or Luna.  The pack members have to listen to her and do whatever she says unless I tell them otherwise.  The only time they won't listen is if I give them the opposite order and even then it's hard for them to disobey their Luna.  She stops at a random door in the hallway, her first period.  I look inside her classroom and spot my Beta Jackson and a few other pack members.  A Beta is a second in command.  
'I need to speak with you.'  I mind link him.  Everyone in the pack can talk to each other privately in their minds, they can block people from their thoughts.  Only I can push through their blocks because I am Alpha.  Jackson looks up and spots me, he nods.  Scarlet turns to me, looking at her feet.  I instantly, without thinking, grab her chin lightly and pull her head up so her eyes meet me.  Shock and confusion is clear in her eyes.  I drop my hand from her chin.
"So I guess I'll see you around."  Scarlet says.  I smirk and move closer to her.
"You'll defiantly be seeing me again."  I say.  I step away, ignoring my wolf growling to be closer to our mate.  She nods and walks into her class but stops and turns around to face me again.  She smiles sweetly at me.
"Thanks for the shirt."  She says quietly and rushes inside, I laugh.  Jackson stands out of his seat and makes his way towards me.  He passes Scarlet and stops in front of me.
"What's up?"  Jackson asks.  
"Do you know that girl I was talking to?"  I ask.  He looks back at the class and turns back to me.
"Scarlet?"  Jackson asks.  I nod.
"Yeah, I have her in two of my classes."  Jackson says.
"I need to you to watch her, make sure no one harms her.  I need you to protect her with your life."  I say.  He looks at me confused.
"Why?"  He asks.  I look at him intently.
"She's my mate."  I say softly so no one else can here.  I don't want everyone knowing until I announce it to the pack.  His eyes widen and he looks over at Scarlet who is sitting at her desk and staring at her hands, fiddling with him.
"Scarlet's our Luna?"  He asks, his voice is awe and shock.  He looks back at me and a huge smile spreads across his face.
"That's awesome!  We finally have our Luna!"  He exclaims.  I look inside, making sure no one heard.  No one did.
"You are so lucky."  He says.  I know I am, I already feel extremely lucky but Jackson might know something I don't.
"Why?"  I ask.
"Scarlet is the nicest person, she's compassionate, kind, caring, but she also has a backbone.  She will stand up to anyone messing with her friends or anyone really.  She'll put them in her place. Your mate has a heart of gold but she's also a bad ass."  He says, admiration in his voice.  I smile, a wide smile.  My mate is amazing!  The bell rings.
"I have to go to class but make sure she's safe and don't let any guy touch her."  I say.  My wolf growls at the thought of any guy touching our mate.
'No male is allowed to touch what's ours.'  My Wolf, James says sharply.  Alpha's are very possessive of their mates.  Jackson nods.
"What if she notices me?"  He asks.  I shrug, thinking.
"Start up a conversation.  Act like you want to be her friend."  I say.  Jackson's face lights up, he's probably excited to become friends with his Luna.  I turn around and walk to my first period.  I have to change my schedule so I have classes with Scarlet.  I ignore the lustful stares I'm getting from the girls in my class, human and werewolf.  I'm all Scarlet's.

Scarlet's POV

I walk into the lunch room after fourth period.  I wait in line and grab my lunch.  I smile when I see my best friends Brooke and Zac sitting at our usual booth.  Brooke looks elegant with her long dirty blonde hair that stops mid chest, her gorgeous brown eyes that always seem to sparkle, her body so super model like that I was jealous when I first met her, and overall an amazing, funny, bubbly personality that made me become friends with her.  Sitting beside her is our ever present best guy friend.  Zac is a guys guy, he is popular, plays football, has short blonde hair that is slightly shaggy, his amazing blue eyes that are so easy to read, his height towers over me and when he hugs me makes me feel comforted, his handsome features were his sculpted arms, his strong jaw, and his adorable but rugged good looks.  I have known Brooke since freshmen year and Zac and I have known each other since sixth grade.  They are both way more popular than I am but they always hang out with me.  I sit down on the empty side of the booth.
"Hey guys."  I say, smiling.  They both smile widely at me.
"Hey Scar."  Zac says.  I smile, I have always loved his nickname for me.  I have second and fifth with Zac and sixth with Brooke.  Brooke looks at my shirt intently or should I say Cole's shirt.
"Whose shirt is that?"  Brooke asks.  Crap.  I don't want them to know I had a run in with the school's bad boy.  Zac is protective of me and has tried his best to keep Cole and Cole's friend away from me.  He was worried that Cole and his friends would be mean to me or something, I never got a clear answer but it didn't matter anyway I have never wanted to meet them.
"I, uh-"  I start but was cut off by Brooke's gasp.  Her face filled with shock.
"Oh my gosh...that's a guys shirt.  Did you..?"  She trails off.  Zac's head snaps up and he stare at me intently.  I didn't understand what she meant.  Then the thought hit me, she thinks I slept with some guy last night and that's why I'm wearing his shirt.
"No!"  I exclaim, they physically relax.
"I'm not like that and you two,"  I point at them.  "Have been my best friends for so long.  You should know that I'm not a slut and I would never do that."  I exclaim.  I've never had a boyfriend and they think I would just give up my virginity for some dude.  I'm so angry with them.
"Sorry Scarlet, we know you aren't like that but I couldn't think of another explanation."  Brooke says.  Anger and hurt courses through me.  These two were suppose to be my best friends yet they think so low of me.  Do they know me at all?  
"I have never had a boyfriend before and you really expect that low of me?  You should have gave me the benefit of the doubt but instead you sat there basically calling your 'best friend' a slut."  I say. I put air quotes on bet friend.  Guilty looks settle on their faces.  I stand up, grabbing my things.  I walk away, ignoring them calling my name and the curious stares I'm getting from around the room from reult of there shouting.  I know I shouldn't be this upset but I couldn't help it.  They accused me without giving me a chance to explain.  I walk out the front doors of the school and go to the lawn that lays in the front of the school.  I walk by a tree and drop my things on the ground.  I sit on the grass, my back leaning against the tree.  I close my eyes and take calming breaths.  I let my skin absorb the sunlight and the sound of cars passing closely by the school.  I had a few blissful moments of peace until I heard footsteps heading my way.  I sigh, knowing it was Zac.  He always wants to help me when I'm upset even if it's him who upset me which doesn't happen often.  The footsteps get closer then stop.
"I don't want to talk about it Zac."  I say, not bothering to open my eyes.
"Who's Zac?"  Someone asks, with a weird tone in their voice.

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