Chapter Six

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I hear a noise towards the door.  I look to see a pair of nurses, a guy and a girl, wheeling in a stretcher with Scarlet on it.  Scarlet looks so pale, almost like she's dead.  I stare at her, really happy she's alive but also really sad at how pale she looks.  They carefully place her on her bed, I had to refrain from growling at the man, and hook her up to everything she needs.  We all stare at Scarlet's unconscious body, an awkward silence filling the air.  I stand up from my chair and walk over to where Scarlet is.  I move her hair out of her face and lean down, lightly kissing her forehead.  I'll protect you for the rest of my life.  I declare silently to her.
It has been two hours since they brought Scarlet into the room.  Brooke and Zac had to leave.  Brooke's parents wanted her home and Zac had football practice.  That left me, all alone in her room with a still unconscious Scarlet.  Someone steps through the door and I, on instinct, shoot out of my chair and stand in front of Scarlet protectively.  A man in his early forties steps through the door, followed by a young teenage boy.  The man stares at me weirdly. 
"Who are you and what are you doing in my daughters hospital room?"  He asks.  Oh, he is Scarlet's dad.  I turn to the younger boy.  He must be Scarlet's brother.  The young boy ignores us and rushes to his sister's side.  I extend my hand to the man.
"Hello sir.  I'm Cole Steel, your daughter and I are friends."  I say.  He stares at me intently for a few seconds then nods.  He shakes my hand.
"Nice to meet you.  You can call me Mr. Paine."  He says.  I nod, glad that he doesn't show any sign of hating me.  That would make life a lot harder for me.  I turn to the younger boy, waiting for him to introduce himself but he just takes his sister's hand, looking at her with worried eyes.
"That is my youngest, Mark.  He's two years younger than Scarlet."  Mr. Paine explains.  I nod.  Mr. Paine walks over to where his son sat and looks at Scarlet with a sad look on his face.
"Do you know what happened?"  Mr. Paine asks.  I sigh and run my hand through my hair, sitting back in my seat opposite of Mr. Paine and Mark.  I only wish we could have met under different circumstances.
"Brooke said she found Scarlet in front of your house and she was bleeding a lot from claw marks on the back of her leg."  I explain, pushing back my wolf who is growling inside of me at the thought of that rogue attacking Scarlet.
"I told her never to go out into the woods alone."  Mr. Paine mumbles.  I look at Scarlet's little brother to see he is staring at me.
"Why are you here?"  Mark asks bluntly.  Mr. Paine scowls at the boy.
"Mark be nice."  Mr. Paine says even though I can see from his face he is wondering the same thing.  I can't exactly come out and say the truth.  I stare at Scarlet.  I wish she would wake up, I miss her smile, her beautiful eyes.
"Scarlet means a lot to me.  I want to make sure she's okay."  I say.  Mr. Paine looks at me seriously.
"Did Brooke mention what kind of animal it was?  I have to notify animal control."  He says.  I tense up.  We can obviously out run animal control but that would leave Scarlet unprotected.
"She said she didn't see anything."  I say.  Mr. Paine goes to say something but is cut off by Mark.
"Scarlet's waking up."  Mark says.  I look towards my beautiful Scarlet to see her fidgeting, trying to get comfortable.  I slip my hand into hers and she instantly calms.  I smile, knowing she feels the connection even if she doesn't understand it.  Her eyes slowly open.

Scarlet's POV

I open my eyes slowly and groan as a bright light hits my eyes.  Sparks arm traveling up my right arm.  I try to move my hand to block out the light but neither of my hands move.  I start to panic.  I open my eyes wide and look at my hands.  One of my hands is being held by Mark and my other is being held by Cole.  I look around the room I am in.  The walls are white, there are machines around me and wires poking out of me.  I am in a hospital.
"What happened?  Why am I here?"  I ask.  Everyone's face turn into shock and worry.
"Oh no."  I hear my dad whisper.  Cole moves closer to me, my heart speeds up and you can hear it on the monitor.  I blush knowing he could hear my heart speed up.  He doesn't act like he notices as he stares at me, concern etched on his face.
"You don't remember?"  Cole asks.  I close my eyes and try to search my brain for what happened.  Then everything came back to me.  I gasp loudly.
"Oh my gosh!"  I exclaim.  Mark lets go of my hand and I cover my mouth with my hand.
"Please tell me they didn't kill him."  I whisper looking at Cole, tears forming in my eyes.  Mr. Wolf was such a nice wolf and it hurt me inside to think that those other two wolves could have killed him.  Cole look at me questioningly as does Dad and Mark.
"Kill who sweetie?"  Dad asks.  I know I shouldn't tell him about Mr. Wolf because he would tell me how reckless I had been but I had to know.
"There was this wolf that saved me from the others when I was being attacked.  Please tell me they didn't kill him."  I say as a single tear runs down my cheek.  My Dad stares at me, not knowing what to say.  Cole reaches over and caresses my cheek softly.  I meet his dazzling green eyes which help sadness and something else.  He uses his thumb to gently wipe away my tear, sending sparks throughout me.
"He's alive."  Cole whispers.  I open my mouth to ask how he knows but just then the door to this room opens revealing my two best friends in the whole world.  They gape at me once they see I'm awake.
"Scarlet!"  They yell at the same time.  I smile.  Cole's hand falls away from my face and I instantly feel cold.  Brooke rushes towards me and engulfs me in her arms.  I smile and hug her back best to my ability.
"Oh my gosh Scar!  You scared me!  When I found you in front of your house and bleeding I-I thought that I had lost you.  You looked so pale and then you stopped breathing-"  Brooke rambles on but I didn't hear her from then on.  When she was finished.  I look around at the people in my room.
"I-I-I stopped breathing?"  I stutter, not believing it.  I look at each and every one of their faces.  Mark's held sadness for almost losing his big sister, Dad's showed extreme sadness for almost losing his baby girl, Brooke's was sadness and guilt for not being there earlier to help me (I'm guessing), Zac's held sadness and determination, his need to protect me more present than ever, and lastly Cole's held sadness, grief, determination, admiration, and anger for which I didn't know why.  They all hesitantly nod.  I take a deep breath and close my eyes.
"How bad is it?"  I ask, my voice barley above a whisper.  I keep my eyes closed afraid of what their faces look like.
"One of the wolves clawed you along your calf.  It was pretty deep and the doctors say you might have a scar but only time will tell."  Brooke says softly.  I don't want to have a scar.  Don't get me wrong I am more than happy to be alive but scar's are ugly and unattractive.  Who will want me now?  I take a deep breath and breathe it out but it comes out shaky.  I open my eyes and look at Zac.
"What?  No hug?  I think I deserve at least a hi after I was almost killed by wild animals."  I say to Zac, who has been silent since he came into the room.  He smiles at me his signature Zac smile but it doesn't reach his eyes.  He moves forward and pulls his arms around me gently.  I hug him back.  I hear something like a threatening growl but I dismiss it, thinking the pain meds are making me hear things.  Zac pulls away and gives me a small smile.  My stomach growls.
"Are you hungry?"  Cole asks.  I nod, embarrassed.  He gets out of his chair.
"I'll get you something to eat."  Cole says.  He stops.
"I have no idea what you like."  He mutters, more to himself than me.  Brooke stands up.
"I'll go with you."  Brooke says.  I smile.
"Thanks guys."  I say.  They walk out together and Zac sits in Cole's empty chair.  For the first time since I woke up I wonder why Cole is here.  I look over at my brother who looks sad.
"Hey..."  I whisper.  I reach over and grab his hand.
"I'm okay."  I whisper gently.  He nods and smiles a small smile.  He squeezes my hand gently and let's go.  I look at Dad, searching fro something to say.
"Can I have a moment alone with my daughter?"  Dad asks.  Mark and Zac nod.  They walk out together.
"I like him."  Dad says.  I look at him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
"What?"  I ask.
"Cole.  I like him.  He stayed by your side from the moment you got here, refused to leave according to the nurse I talked to."  Dad says.  Cole stayed with me the whole time?  Why would he do that?
"I approve."  Dad says.  I look at me curiously again.
"Of what?"  I ask.  Dad chuckles.
"I approve of Cole."  Dad says.
"I could see it in his eyes when he looked at you.  They held sadness and admiration."  Dad states.  I open my mouth to explain to him that Cole has no romantic feelings for me what so ever but was cut off by a sharp pain shooting from my leg.  I scream in pain.  Dad jumps up and presses a button.  Painful seconds later a doctor and a nurse rush in.
"She's experiencing intense pain."  Dad tells them.  I briefly notice everyone has returned and was looking at me with worry in their eyes.  The nurses rushes forward.
"We must have not given her enough morphine."  The doctor says but I can briefly hear him from the pain that's radiating from my leg.  I feel a needle prick me and the world around me fades.

Cole's POV

I've never felt such pain and sadness when I see Scarlet crying of pain.  They inject her with something and she falls instantly asleep.
"That should help with the pain and we will up her morphine drip."  The doctor explains to Mr. Paine.  He nods and we all envelope in silence.  Mr. Paine sighs.
"Well you all should be heading home.  Scarlet won't probably wake up for hours and I don't want your parents to worry."  He says.  Zac and Brooke reluctantly nod and walk out together.  I stay where I am.  There is no way I am leaving Scarlet. I'd rather die then leave her alone in her most vulnerable.  Mr. Paine looks at me curiously.
"I'm not leaving her."  I say in a tone that shows it's not up to debate.  He nods.  
"I'm going to take Mark home but I will be back in the morning."  Mr. Paine says.  I nod.  He looks at me sharply.
"Protect her."  Mr. Paine says.  I look over at Scarlet.
"With my life."  I respond, meaning every word.  He nods his head in approval and they both walk out, Mark going reluctantly.  I walk over and sit down in the seat I was in before.  I set down the food I got Scarlet and watched her sleep.  I move my hand towards her cheek and lightly run my thumb across her cheek, the amazing tingle of sparks shooting through me.
"My angel."  I whisper lovingly, running my thumb lightly across her cheek.  I smile as she sighs in her sleep.  I move my hand away from her cheek and grab her small hand in mine.  I close my eyes, breathing in her heavenly scent.  I don't know how long I stayed like that but the next thing I know I hear someone opening her hospital door.  I shoot out of my chair and stand beside Scarlet protectively, growling lightly.  I watch as a few of my pack members walk through the door.
"It's just us."  Jackson says.  I look at my beta and best friend.  I smile at him, relaxing.  I look behind him to see little Mason in the arms of his mother, Patricia,  Patricia is best friend with my mother and Mason is her four year old son.  By them is Jackson's parents and his little sister Katy.
"What are you guys doing here?"  I ask.  They smile at me.
"We wanted to see if our Luna was okay Alpha."  Jackson's Mother answers.  I smile at my considerate pack members.  I nod and sit back down beside Scarlet.  They all walk inside further and move to the other side of Scarlet's bed.  Mason is staring at Scarlet with wide eyes.
"This is our Luna?"  Mason asks.  I nod.  He smiles,a  huge smile.
"She so pwetty.  Isn't she momma?"  Mason asks.  Patricia smiles and nods.  I smile at Mason and look at Scarlet's sleeping form.  I can't wait tell she can meet my pack, my family.  It's true, each and every one of my pack members are like family to me.  I turn to Jackson, changing into a business mood.
"Have you caught the rogue that got away?"  I ask.  Jackson's expression turns angry.
"No."  He says, growling.
"The bastard got rid of his scent by running with other rogues."  He says.  
"Don't worry.  I won't et anything happen to Scarlet.  None of us would."  He says.  It's natural for every pack member to want to protect their Luna.  The rest in the room nod.
"I want someone with her at all times, I don't want her to get hurt again.  That rogue saw me protecting Scarlet, he may know she is my mate which makes her a target to any rogue that wants something from me."  I say.  Since I am one of the most powerful Alpha's in this state, taking or harming my mate would get them easy access to me.  I hate that Scarlet is put in danger because of me but I'm too selfish to leave her, I can't leave her.  It would surely kill me.  Jackson nods.
"I can protect her at school when your not around, since we became friends."  He says.  I nod.  I look up to see little Mason reaching forward and placing a teddy bear beside Scarlet.  I smile.
"Did you get that for her Mase?"  I ask him.  He smiles widely at me and nods.
"I wanted to show Luna how much we care."  He says.  I open my arms and his mother passes him to me.  He is four but he loves being carried.  I face him towards Scarlet, who has already positioned the bear in her arms in her sleep.
"I think she likes it."  I say.  Mason beams.
"That was very nice of you Mase."  I say.  I balance the four year old on my knee.  It's all going to be okay Scarlet, I promise.

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