Chapter Ten

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I pull away from Cole's enticing lips.  My dazed thoughts begin to become clear and I freeze.  What did I just do?  Cole is a player!  He doesn't care about me.  I do the only thing I can think of, I run.  I turn around and run through the forest, I dodge trees and fallen branches, not caring that I have no idea where I am going.  I can't believe I just kissed Cole Steel!  Oh my gosh!  What am I going to do?  I'll have to avoid him, not talk to Jackson anymore.  That sucks I was just starting to think of us as friends. I can't believe I just gave up my first kiss to Cole.  Somewhere in the forest I hear a growl, I freeze.  I look quickly around me to see three wolves I don't recognize circling me.  Not again!

Cole's POV

My heart felt like it was breaking as I watch my beautiful Scarlet run away from me.  James growls in my head, asking what I did wrong but I had no clue.  That was the best kiss I have ever had, I never knew kissing someone could feel that good.
'Alpha, a few others and I found a human girl in the forest.  What should we do with her?'  One of my pack members mind links me.  I freeze.  Oh no, Scarlet.  She has already had enough wolf attacks, she'll freak out just seeing them.  As if on cue I hear a girlish scream radiate through the forest.  I run as quick as my two legs can carry me.  I doge trees and find Scarlet backed against a tree, fear in her eyes.  I step in front of her and block her sight from the wolves.  I glare at my pack members.
'Stand down.  This is my mate and your Luna.'  I mind link them all.  They all looked at me shocked.
'Why is she afraid?'  One member mind links.
'I haven't told her what we are yet.'  I answer.  They retreat back into the forest.  I turn around to check on Scarlet only to have her launch herself into my arms.  She clings to me tightly.  
"Thank you."  Scarlet whispers.  I hold her to my chest tightly.  James howls in pain, knowing our mate was scared and we weren't there.  I will never be able to get the sound of her scream out of my head.  Scarlet pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"Why did you run away?"  I ask, hurt laced in my voice.  It did hurt that she ran away from me just after we had our first kiss.  Scarlet winces and looks down at the ground.
"I'm sorry I ran away.  I just...I"  She breaks off and takes a deep breath.  I reach forward and rub my thumb lightly across her cheek.
"You can tell me anything."  I say softly.
"That was my first kiss."  She says shyly.  Happiness floods through me.  James and I are extremely happy that we were our mates first kiss.  I beam at her.  I grab her in my arms again and lift her off her feet, I swing her around.
"That's great!"  I exclaim.  I set her down and look into her sad eyes.
'What did you do?!'  James growls in my head.  I stare at her confused.
"What's wrong?"  I ask.  Scarlet looks down at her feet.
"That was my first kiss and I know it didn't mean anything to you."  She says softly.  What?!  That kiss meant everything to me!  James and I were practically jumping for joy that our mate hadn't kissed anyone else.
"What are you talking about?"  I ask.  Scarlet glares up at me.
"You've kissed tons of girls and I'm just another.  You have had your fair share of more gorgeous women kissing you.  Why would kissing me be any different?"  She asks.  I stare at her shocked.  
'God dammit!  Your stupid player status is pushing our mate away!  Fix it!'  James growls in my head.  I knew he was right.  If I wasn't so stupid in the past I could have Scarlet in my arms right now.  I frown at her and open my mouth to reply but she holds her hand, making me stop.
"I don't know if you're just messing with me or if you just kissed me because you felt like it, but whatever it is I am not going to stick around so you can break my heart."  She says sharply and turns away from me but not before I see a tear run down her cheek.  I am pretty sure my heart just broke.  I had made my mate cry.  What the hell is wrong with me?!  Scarlet starts walking away.  I run after her and grab her arm, twisting her around so she lands on my chest.  I look down into my mates sad eyes.  I gently wipe her tears away.
"You have no idea how much you mean to me."  I whisper.  Scarlet looks up at me confused.
"I wish I could explain it to you but I can't just quite yet.  I promise that I will prove to you that you mean more to me than any of those girls ever did."  I say and it was true, I would do anything to get Scarlet to trust me.

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