Arcade (93)

704 21 14

However strange that last conversation was with John was I will not let it affect me, I've got better things to think about, plus this afternoon is going to be fun. It will.

As the car moves forward I focus my attention on my fingers twiddling in my lap and noticing how my skin is rough in some places but smooth in others. The car bustles around a bit because the road is old and has a lot of potholes but I guess it'd be too expensive to fix. 

'You guys better watch out because I'm gonna smash all of your asses at the arcade games' Frank smirks brushing imaginary dust off his shoulder like he thinks he looks cool. It almost makes me smile.

'Yeah right, we all know it's like my hidden talent, and I'm actually going to get the most tickets' Ray smiles breezily.

I just keep my mouth shut, my fingers twisting more and more by the second, I wish I could let go and feel happy for once, but it's like I can never switch my brain off. Before I even realise we've pulled into a parking lot and I'm forcing my legs to get out of the car and walk forward, step by step. 

We get inside and I pull out my purse to search for coins to use on the machines. Ray runs off with Mikey toward some mortal kombat looking game that two people can play. Gerard heads to the other side of the arcade toward an old fashioned puzzle game machine thing with comic book art printed on the sides. Frank doesn't go anywhere he just stands next to me like a sheep.

'Hey Y/N I.. I hate to be a pain but do you have any spare coins I could use? I kind of forgot mine' he asks rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at me apologetically. I pour a handful of coins into his hand because I predicted this would happen and his demeanor changes immediatley. He springs up onto his toes and goes racing after Mikey to see who's winning. 

I stand a little bewildered, taking notice of the busy atmosphere, the loud 80s syle music blaring through speakers, the chatter and screams of little children and the buzz of machines, garish lights, neon signs and a very quirky carpet. It's a lot to take in and my tired brain is struggling a little but I might as well make the most of being here. I walk around a little and play various games such as pac man, some racing thing, and DDR which does make me feel better and I start to relax a little. I walk around with the handful of tickets I've collected hoping that I might be able to win a prize or at least give them to one of the guys so that they can get a prize. 

I spot Ray in the distance and set my path toward him but something distracts me and being the empathetic type means I couldn't just ignore it. I walk toward the sound to the very corner of the room where it was dark but a lot quieter. A little boy, maybe 7 or 8 was sitting with his knees pulled to his chest hugging himself , and attempting to cry quietly but failing and producing painful sobs like gasps for air. I look around not seeing anyone obvious who could be related or looking after the boy.

I kneel down to his level and gently place my hand on his which made him jump but look up. His eyes were red and blotchy and his cheeks tear stained but most of all he looked panicked. 

'Shh hey it's okay, whatever happened it's gonna be okay' I say gently and his hand eases a little. I know he isn't going to speakjust yet and his breathing is still a little intense. I smile reassuring him because I know when I feel bad It's easier for me to calm down if other people are calm around me.

'Hey, I need you to give me some deep breaths, here do some with me' I smile taking obvious deep breaths and eventually he seems to calm down. I sit down cross legged oposite him and offer him a tissue which he takes to wipe his face. 

'what's your name?' I ask trying to be as friendly as possible. 

'Luke' he mumbles staring down at his shoes.

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