Gifts (92)

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A/N - Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait I've had a lot of college work recently and my mental health hasn't been the best. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and continue to enjoy this story :)


'Wake up, hey Y/N wake up' Gee whispers, shaking me gently.

I open my bleary eyes, thankful that the light hasn't been switched on and allow myself a minute to notice my surroundings. Comfy bed, strange art on the walls, clothes on the floor.. yep I'm in a hotel room. I allow myself to melt back into the matress and groan a little to show that I have heard Gee.

'Hey, come on look at me' he says and I can hear his smile.

I refuse but instead of just doing nothing I curl into him, grabbing his arm and nuzzling my head into his chest. I'm so comfy I could lay here for hours but I can feel him laughing by the little juttery movements of his chest. 

'Hey Y/N that's not fair' he laughs trying to push me off gently.

'What time is it?' I mumble too sleepy to fully speak.

'12 and we are meeting people at 1 for lunch so I suggest you get up lazy bones' he laughs playing with my hair gently.

'Just five more minutes?' I ask looking up at him.

'Okay, but only beacuse you're cute' 

I decide to close my eyes again and lean into him but I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Gee is up and dressed and he is gently rubbing my shoulder to wake me up.

'Now you really have to get up' he smiles

'Ugh fine'

The next half an hour is spent with Gee on the bed leaning against the headboard, scrolling through twitter and me manically trying to get ready so that I look presenatble to go for lunch. The time arrives and we have packed all our things up and are ready to make our way to the tour buses. 

------time skip brought to you by quarantine------------------

We get to the restaurante ten minutes late after dropping our stuff off at the busses and when we get there the guys are all chilling at an outside table and Oliver is there too with Venom curled in his lap. I run over to hug him and get my dog baby back because he's been babysat by our manager recently because we have been so busy. 

'Oliver, when did you get here?' I smile trying to speak through Venom jumping on me and licking my face.

'Last night, sorry I missed the wedding, congrats by the way!' he laughs. 'I got the happy couple a present but normally people buy things like baby clothes and furniture but that's all meaningless to you.. well not meaningless but useless.. because of the constant touring .. yeah. so I decided to get you.. well have a look.' He hands us a wrapped box and Gee gestures to me to open it.

I pull of the wrapping and the gift inside is really cool. 

'Custom guitar straps?' I smile holding one up and passing another to Gerard to have a look at.

'Yeah I figured you could use them onstage, theres quite a few in there, I got my artist friend to draw some designs then went to a music store to have them ordered' he says humbly scratching the back of his neck as if he's nervous we don't like them. 

There are black parade straps, general guitar straps that look dope as hell and some awesome looking comic strip ones that are brightly coloured which I know Gerard will love because he's always doodling some kind of comic strip in his free time. 

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