The real me (24)

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We get called over because it's time for the interview and we all take our seats on the couch. I feel oddly relaxed and more importantly I feel like I can tell the truth and be me. I sit in between Gerard and Mikey because there is no WAY they will let anything bad happen to me. I pinch myself for thinking of such a lame joke but luckily no one sees as it wasn't meant to be a violent act just a 'why am I so weird' one. 

The interview starts but you would barely notice because the camera guys are so silent and everything seems so calm. A few questions are tossed around and after a few we are all giddy with laughter and excitement for the show tonight.

These aren't the type of questions I was expecting though, they started normal but it has now gotten to the point where they jut asked Ray if he "would rather have sex with a goat or strip naked at one of their concerts". We all just burst out laughing and I can feel tears of happiness blur my eyes. I haven't felt this good in a long time and it warms my heart. 

We finish after about 20 mins and I only had to answer a few questions about what being on a tour bus with the guys is like and how we keep energised when on the road. We scatter around the room and a few of the guys go to the bathroom so I decide to walk over to the bookshelf filled with comics and pop art or surrealist novels. 

The really nice host lady comes over and asks if I could do another little interview on my own to introduce me properly as a member of the band. I agree because I know I need to at some point and I feel so relaxed here with this presenter I would rather do it here than anywhere else.

It is a really easy interview and I get to explain a bit about me and my beliefs. I touch upon my past and get a bit tearful when I get to the topic of my parents but I can sort of cover it up. Ray gives me a thumbs up from the side and I smile into the camera.

After I have finished we wrap it up and leave the venue walking over to the arena for our concert tonight. I grab Gerards hand and he smiles down at me




A/N - sorry this is short I wanted to update with something as I am really busy atm. Nevertheless I hope you like it and you are all amazing!

Freyathegeekgirl Xx

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