The good side (23)

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A/N- Sorry, I know these note things are annoying and some people won't read them but i just wanted to say a few things. First of all my story now has over 1000 views.... I can't actually believe it! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Secondly I want to reply to every single comment that someone says on here so be prepared for that. Finally keep reading and I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it

Freyathegeekgirl xx


We arrive at the venue and immediatley I am more relaxed than yesterday. As we walk in with are greeted by staff and given bottles of water. The "set" is just a bright red sofa and a few cameras and the host is really chill wearing some jeans and a green shirt. I don't know why I am surprised to find that the host is female but I am and I think it's really awesome. 

The interview doesn't start for a while so I walk around the room admiring all the signatures and record signs on the walls. I almost jump out of my skin when someone comes up behind me and taps my shoulder. I can't help but give a little squeak out of surprise but I turn around to find a pair of children looking at me. They both look nervous and one of them seems giddy with the excitement only a child can feel.

There is a small boy with toussled brown hair and dimples and a slightly older girl with an oversized MCR shirt on and a phone in her hand. I smile as best as I can because these kids remind me of a younger version of myself and my cousin.

They both try to say hello and introduce themselves as they nudge each other and try to make the other one go first. I just laugh and decide to surprise them by talking myself first. 

"Hello, my name is Y/N how are you guys" I say with an encouraging smile. The girl just opens her jaw and I can't help but giggle. The boy starts talking "Um, hhhello I'm Thomas and this is kori, c-ccould we get a photo" he is stuttering from nerves and it takes all my strength not to just laugh right now. Why would they be scared of me?!

I reply enthusiastically with an of course and kneel down in the middle of both of them wrapping my arms around their backs in a sort of three way hug. The nice assistant lady took the photo and I gave them both a hug before they were ushered off by a middle aged man in dungarees. 

I stand in shock comletey overwhelmed. They just wanted a hug and a photo with me. They didn't ask any of the other guys who were standing around just me. They were nervous too. I know I am in a band now but seriously I am baffled.

Mikey walks over to me chuckling and he obviously watched the whole scene. "First taste of famous" he laughs nudging my shoulder. I have feeling this isn't the only weird thing that will happen today..

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