Slip (83)

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The rest of the day was amazing and we went on so many slides. I am drenched and exhausted. We did a massive wave one where we were all in the same ring and then then we ent nearly vertical it was crazy. But the whole day has been building up to this moment.

We have climbed up all the steps and raced each other up to the highest waterslide in the whole park. When i say it's high up it is really high. Think new york office building with many storey's high. I come in at third place and stand next to Gee and Frank in line who are already there. When we all arrive we are laughing and out of breath and leaning around. The people in front of us are clearly not impressed.

The man who is older maybe 30 years old, turns around and looks me up and down really slowly. I look at Gee and Frank and just try to ignore it. Then when I think he is just going to stop he coughs and very loudly says

"Don't you think some people should lose some weight before wearing a bikini in a public place". I can hear his spitefulness and it makes me so mad but I'm determined to ignore it. But that's when he speaks again

"Don't look now but that girl behind us really needs a diet, She's too stocky and that bikini looks awful" he snarls. The woman next to him glances back and scowls at me. 

"Hey what's your problem" Gerard says poking the guy in the shouder. He turns around again and gives me a look before smiling at Gee.

"This girl has clealy been having a little too much sugar recently don't you think?" he laughs looking at my thighs. At this point I'm so unconfortable I think I'm going to vomit. Frank stands protectively beside me and Kristen puts her hand on my arm.

"That girl is my girlfriend" Gee says angrily. 

"The man puts his hand on Gee's shoulder "Oh my word son, really?! You could do so much better than .. that" 

The mood shifts and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. Ray notices and pushes past Kristin to give me a hug.

"Don't listen to him" Ray murmers.

"Hey asshole, you're not looking amazing yourself" I shout through my tears which made him turn to me with such a venemous look. I decide to take a step forward to show that I'm not afraid of him. He steps up to me and frowns dramatically.

"What's your name honey" he murmers

"Y/N and yours?" I say as sassily as I could.

"Watch it dude" Frank warns the guy but he takes no notice.

He moves closer toward me and his filthy hand grabs my thigh so that I can't move.

"That is what I call a flabby piece of shit" he snarly. 

"That's IT" Gerard says and he pulls the guy off me. I'm so shocked that I can't move or function. 

Gerard and this guy start squaring up to each other and I can see Gee is so angry from his red face. Then in a flash of movements they are both punching each other and getting closer to the edge. The man punches Gee and he falls tripping over a lilo and... oh my god

My stomach drops and my worst fear has come true. It takes a minute for everyone to process what has just happeed. Gee fell of the really high mountain and he's still falling. My heart is pounding and I scream as lous as I can "GERARD".

I run as fast as I can down all the stairs but there is no way I'm going to get there on time. I can hear people screaming and then I hear a crack. Oh my fuck. I run so fast pushing past people like they're nothing. Frank passes me but I won't stop I need to get to him. I turn the corner and see where he has fallen. A small crowd of horrified people have gathered around him

What I am met with shocks me to my core. No. NO. He's on the ground blood spilling from his head and leg .... and his chest .. it isn't moving. I push through the people and try to get a response from Gee. The blood spilling even faster now.

"GERARD IT'S ME. WAKE UP IT'S ME. BREATHE. GODDAMMIT BREATHE" I scream desperatley. I try to use my first aid skills to do CPR, I pump his chest as hard as I can and I can hear people shouting and fumbling around me. I open his mouth and try to blow air into it. Before too long my arms are getting weak and I can't keep doing this forever.

I hear some men shouting 

"Everybody move out the way, move we're coming through" .

I feel strong arms grip mine and drag me off Gee. I try to fight them to resist but they are pulling and I am too weak against them. I scream and flail breaking down. He can't be dead. He can't be dead.

Finally the arms pull me out of the way and I notice it's Frank. Mikey is sitting at the side sobbing with Ray by his side looking shocked. I am so angry, I am so fucking angry. It's my fault. Gee is dead and it's my fault.

Frank grips his arms around me so I can't move and now I am crying so hard I don't know what to do with myself.

"Y/N STOP, Y/N please" Frank yells trying to get through to me. After a few minutes I just collapse to the ground and start crying hysterically. Frank holds me and I grip to him like I'm a baby or something. So pathetic. I look up and see the man walk past. He looks shocked but not sad.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I scream trying to get up and get to him but Frank is too fast and strong. My vision is going blurry with panic and my breathing is going shallow. He can't be gone. He can't be gone.

Then the men walk past with Gee on a stretcher and they look frantic calling into their microhpone things. They load Gee into an ambulance and Mikey jumps in before they drive off faster than I can even blink. 

He can't be gone

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