Conflict (94)

508 17 2

We pull up outside and I reach for the car door but Gee looks at me with concern and blocks my hand. He can see that I'm weak and pale and frankly, quite terrified and knowing him he won't let me rush in there because of the chance that I'll fall.

"Let me go first" he says looking at me but I can't meet his eye. I fiddle with my fingers, my leg frantically tapping and my heart beating.

Mikey is already out of the car and opening the door, glancing back every now and then to keep tabs on anything that's going on.

"Hey" Gerard says gently placing a hand on my tapping leg which makes me stop awkwardly.He gently lifts my chin so that I'm looking into his eyes, which I expected to be worried but seem strangely calm and determined.

"It's gonna be okay Y/N, I promise" he says gently before then getting out the car and heading inside. It's all gone quiet too, there's no screams, or barking, or noise. For some reason the quiet scares me more, the uncertainty.

I get out of the car slowly focusing on each step and keeping my eyes latched onto what I'm doing. Ray follows behind me and offers a supporting hand when needed. 

When I arrive into the room I force myself to look up and see that John is sitting by the window, on a sofa chair, drinking beer. The normality of it is too odd, what does he think he's doing?

There's no sign of Venom or Oliver, or any of the others. Ray stands nervously behind me, just as confused as I am and I have no idea what to do. I approach John slowly as he turns around to look at me. I clear my throat.

"What's going on?" I ask, trying to seem innocent. As I look back to the doorway Ray is gone too and I physically shudder at the thought of being alone. I take a step back instinctively when John gets up and advances in my direction which he, of course notices and chuckles at.

"There's nothing going on, you aren't half judgemental sometimes" he retorts back. There was no emotion in his voice, no anger or sadness. If anything he just sounded a little annoyed. 

"I know you've done something, I heard that phone call" I say shakily, my voice cracking without warning.

"Jees have you never heard of a prank call?" he laughs back moving even closer to me. I back up even more but he keeps following so it ends up with me in the very corner of the room and John towering over me. The height difference is obvious but the confidence difference is even worse, while I'm cowering he's silently beside himself with pride.

"Why would you prank call me?" I ask quietly, feeling myself getting tearful.

"Because it's funny seeing you like this. It's pathetic. I needed something to laugh at after babysitting your damn dog all day so I thought this would be the perfect revenge" he laughs in my face. His arm is against the wall behind me and he's so close to my face I don't know where to look.

With a sudden burst of panic, or anger, or fear I'm not sure I slap my hand across his face.

"You asshole!" I yell ducking under his arm to get away while he cradles his cheek. This is when I hear Frank and Gee run back into the room. 

Frank goes straight up to John and pins him against the wall, whilst Gerard comes up to me looking regretful. I stand there shaking and in shock that I just did that, whilst a couple of police officers enter the room. 

I would normally panic but Gee takes me under his arm and I just let him guide me into another room on the other side of the building. I can feel tears welling at my eyes but I keep moving forward. 

When we get into the room I can hear muffled voices probably the police and Frank. Gee sits on the bed up against the headbord and gestures for me to sit next to him. I climb up and sit facing forward, too stiff and scared to relax or lay down.

"Hey silly, come here. Lay your head on my chest" Gee says gently pulling me towards him and then running his fingers through my hair gently. I can't bring myself to say anything, I want to thank him, I want to know what's going on but my throat has left and I can't organise my thoughts.

"I'm sorry for that. I really am. We've been trying to get rid of John for a while but because of our contract he's tied into working with us for another few years. He's rude and predatory and frankly freaks us all out. The only way that we would be able to fire him was if we had evidence of assult, danger or anything like that. Frank saw him being rude to you this morning and we decided that if anything happened we would try and leave you alone with him in a room to get this evidence. Then wehn he called you in the car I knew we had to do it but I didn't realise how scared you'd be. I'm so sorry, it hurt me to leave you in there." he says gently.

I can't say anything but I start to gently cry, nuzzling my head into his chest even more. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N. But I promise you,  you were never alone in that room. We were listening and watching from just outside, plus the police were here upstairs. There is no way on this earth that I'm going to let anything hurt you, you hear me. I won't allow it. I love you and I promise I will protect you from everything and anything." 

I am tying my hardest not to make any noise but I can't help choking on my tears a little as I try to get a breathe. I whisper a mumbled "I'm sorry" looking up at him.

"Shh it's okay, I'm sorry" he whipers placing a few kisses on my forehead. He rocks me slightly in his arms and I close my eyes.

"It's okay, it's all okay. You can cry, just let it out. Don't feel like you have to hold back around me" he whispers gently. 

He keeps rocking me as I slowly feel myself getting drowsy. It's been a long day and although it's early to sleep my eyelids are drooping closed against my will. 

"Get some sleep Y/N" Gee says kissing my forhead again as his rocking slows. I can feel his arms pull a blanket up over us and I snuggle into it accepting the warmth. Just like that I'm asleep.

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