Help (95)

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A/N - Hello everyone!

I'm sorry to say but this story will be ending within the next few chapters. It's been one hell of a ride and I have enjoyed writing every last word of it. Thank you so much for reading, I didn't expect this many people to click on my story but I appreciate all of you! 

I'm still going to be writing here, on my new MHA story, so if that interests you please check it out. I also have a youtube channel which is linked at the bottom of this message. 

Stay safe everyone, and happy reading x 


Gerards POV:

She sleeps like an angel when she's been exhausted or upset. It's like all the stress has fallen out of her as she rests. I slowly brush my fingers through her hair, careful not to wake her up because she's been through a lot today. I admire her, the kindness she showed to that kid in the arcade, her bravery to slap John straight across the face. I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girl laying asleep on my chest.

I hear a faint knock on the door and Oliver walks in, I have no idea  where he's been but I get a little defensive. Y/N said she heard him scream over the phone, and I have no idea what happened, but if he was a part of that 'prank call' I swear to god I'm gonna -

"Hey, I'm really sorry" he says with a shy smile.

"She's asleep" I mumble, looking down at her again.

"I know" he smiles walking over to the chair and sitting down. Does he plan on just sitting here?

"The guys told me outside what's been going on, I had no idea." He looks awkward. "I screamed because Venom ran off and I know he means a lot to Y/N, well to both of you. I couldn't lose him so I yelled before chasing after. John called me to take him for a walk because he couldn't be bothered so as I was already outside I just went straight to the park" he look down at his shoes.

"Oliver it's okay" I offer, trying to be kind.

"Is Y/N okay? She must have been so scared" he says gently, his voice cracking a little.

"She'll be okay, I-" I pause for a second wondering how to phrase my new sentence "I have an idea, she won't like it but I know it'll help. She deserves to be happy and I would be a shit husband if I didn't do everything in my power to help her get to that point" I sigh. 

"Gerard, thank you" Oliver says sincerely standing up to leave the room. "Thank you for helping her that night at the concert. Thank you for letting her stay and protecting her. Thank you for loving her. I know I haven't been the best friend, and that I left. I was just so scared, but you are perfect for her and she loves you. I've never seen her so happy, ever, despite everything she's been through she trusts you. I trust you and I thank you for that". He walks out of the room to meet with the other guys.

A few minutes later Frank calls that we're gonna eat dinner, someone ordered burgers from a local place down the street.



I wake up to Gee gently shaking my arm a little. My head is still on his chest and I can feel the rising and falling momentum when he breathes. It takes me a second to realise what was happening before I fell asleep and I get a little panicked but I'm instantly calmed down by Gee's voice.

"Shh Y/N it's okay, you're with me" he whispers tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. 

I force my droopy eyes to open and look up at him, to which he places a gentle kiss on my forehead, smiling. I love his smile, he rarely uses his soft voice or smiles in public so it feels special. It's how I know he trusts me.

I go to say something when venom pushes the door open and jumps up on the bed, making me jump. vemon. VENOM. he's okay. 

Gee helps me sit up in his arms whilst venom jumps up at me, giving generous kisses. I pick him up and give him lots of pats and love, breathing in the excitement of the little animal in my lap. I smile and look back at Gee who just chuckles.

"Come on, let's go get food" 

I slowly climb off the side of the bed, venom jumping up too and racing back into the other room. Gee leads the way, with me following and for some reason I feel timid to see all the other guys, like somehow I'd embarassed myself or done something wrong. 

They all turn to me, Frank and Mikey look worried. Oliver is being attacked my Venom and so is focusing his attention on fighting him off. Oliver is okay. I take a breathe. Ray, being as sweet as ever, offers my a gentle smile. 

I clear my throat preparing to speak, I figured if they're worried they could hear my voice and know I was okay. I felt Gerard squeeze my hand and right when I was about to open my mouth Frank interrupts me.

"Come here and grab your burgers before they get cold you idiots" he grins handing us a box.

"Frank!" Mikey retorts, acting surprised that he just called us that, after todays events and punching him in the arm. 

"What? I'm hungry and we already had to wait for Y/N to wake up from her random nap" he rolls his eyes comedically in my direction. 

This little interaction, the fact that it's so normal, snaps me right back to all the good memories with the guys and I feel almost as good as new. 

"Oh shut up, let the girl have some sleep" Gerard laughs taking his place in the floor circle that's been created. I sit next to him and Frank opening up the box and examining the contents. It looks amazing, fries, burger and some kind of homemade sauce. 

-----------------------time skip brought to you by.. you-----------------------

The meal was great and it got to the point where we were all so full and happy with the absolute garbage jokes being passed around that we were rolling on the floor laughing and groaning that out stomachs hurt. It was perfect. It's moments like this where I'm so thankful for everyone and everything I have. 

"I have lots of jokes about unemployed people but none of them work" Ray offers to the hysteria.

"No no no that was shit" Frank wheezes

"Says you!" Mikey shouts, "your last joke was, and I hope I'm pronouncing this right 'why was the stadium so cold, because there were a lot of fans'" he mocks Frank's accent. 

This causes me to absolutely lose it, cry laughing and collapsing onto the ground. "Just image a stadium full of literal fans, that'd be mental" I say, which causes Gee to laugh too.

It's chaos but it's beautiful.

Toward the end of the evening I can feel myself getting tired again. The silly giggles have made me exhausted and the whole emotional rollercoaster of today has been crazy. 

Ray and Mikey have already headed to bed and Oliver has gone home, leaving Frank on the couch scrolling through twitter and Gee and I sitting next to each other just chilling.

"Come on trouble let's go get some proper sleep" he says to me, helping me up off the floor. Frank briefly murmers a goodnight and then returns his somewhat sassy attitude toward whoever's tweet he's responding to.

Out of nowhere Gerard picks me up bridal style causing me to laugh and then lean into his chest. He does always smell nice, well almost always. He lays me on the bed leaning over me and pulling me in for a kiss. My brain goes empty and buzzes whenever his soft lips brush against mine. I can feel everything and also perfectly nothing at the same time. 

His lips are warm and inviting and the kiss is gentle yet comforting. "I love you" he whispers against my neck placing a gentle kiss there which makes me stomach do a flip.

He jumps onto the bed next to me and pulls me toward him, just holding me for a second.

"Can I talk to you about something?" he asks.

Can I stay? (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now