A delicous disaster (69)

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I wake up to the faint laughter coming from the kitchen. To my relief Gee is still laying beside me but I can see that he is awake as well just trying to fall back asleep again. I glance across to the little table next to me and switch my phone on. 10am , really? I try to listen out for the laughs again and I think I can recognise Mikey but idk who the other person is. Ollie left last night to travel back to London so he isn't here anymore but it was great seeing him again. Gee turns his head to look at me and tries to sit up. I really don't feel like moving right now so i pull him down ack to my level and hug around his waist. He seems to find this rather funny as he giggles and hugs me back.

"Come on weirdo, let's get breakfeast" he says pulling me up with him. I grunt a little but he gives me a little kiss on my cheek and ruffles my hair so I comply and get up with him. I start to walk but he just stands there staring at me not moving. I stop and turn around trying to meet his expression but I can't help being confused. Before I can ask what is going on he swoops me up into his arms and carries me to the kitchen with my legs and arms flailing around me. I must look like a drunken octopus. He just laughs, god I feel like such a little kid. I kind of miss being treated like this so, it makes me feel special and yes a little childish but that's not a bad thing.

When we get to the kitchen Mikey and Ray are already there arguing about something. They keep calling Frank and telling him to "get his ass in the kitchen right now if he wants to eat breakfeast today" which is rather amusing. I sit on one of the spinny barstools and try to figure out what everyone is doing in my grumpy mornign state. Ray gives me a coffee which is exactly what I need and venom curls up on my lap. He has grown but he is still a black bundle of fur and just as cute as when we first got him. 

Gee, Mikey and Ray are looking around in the cupboards for food but so far the only things they can find include milk, eggs and flour. I sit up from my stool shifting venom onto his little dog bed and look around as well. I find a bowl, a pan, some honey and sugar. It suddenly clicks in my brain and I pull out my phone scrolling through recipies. I spy one, a jamie oliver recipe for pancakes but fluffy american ones. 

At this point all the guys have gone and slumped onto the sofa looking dissapointed that they can't eat anything. "Yo guys" I shout gaining everyone's attention "We could always make breakfeast" I say with a little grin. The reactions that I get are so mixed it's hilarious, Gee is standing by my side grinning, Mikey looks so excited he might burst, Ray looks very concerned and Frank.. Well Frank isn't here yet. 

Mikey looks in the cupboard and finds some white aprons that I can just tell will be filthy by the end of this. I begin gathering bowls and find some scales whilst Ray prepares all the ingredients. I step back letting the guys do most of the work. 

"Right where do we start" M

"I'll get the recipe" R

"No way that takes too long I'll just thow in some flour" Mikey says grabbing the bag. 

"Guys slow down or we'll have heaps of cleaning to do" G

"If I make a mess I'll clean it" M

"But you won't though" G

"Yes I will, obviously" M

"Go on then prove it" G

"No we don't need that " R

"Go on, i dare ya" G

That's it. Once somebody dares one of the guys to do something it becomes a challenge and nobody stops a challenge. Mikey grabs a handful of flour and chucks it. I thought He would throw it on the floor but as I turned around I see a very white and angry looking Gerard. Oh shit.

The war begins and Ray is the first to escape. He stands next to me and we just watch as the two brothers absolutely cover each other with flour. Then a thought crosses my mind, if they use up all the flour we can't make pancakes. I run back into the chaos and place myself in the middle of them. Gerard stops and notices me but Mikey is in such a frantic movement he slams a massive handful of flour right onto the top of my head. Everything stops and he begins to apologise.

"Y/N, I'm sorry , I didn't know you were here and I probably just messed all your hair up and jesus I really will clean it" It just makes me laugh and I dismiss his apologies becuse I honestly don't mind. Then of course guess who just decides to show up.

"Hey guys what did I miss.. Wait what the actual fuck " Frank

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