Interview (73)

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Now it's hard to explain but Frank just has these days where he's just really on top of everything. He catches on to everything people say and makes so many jokes. These are the days where my cheeks hurt because of laughing too much. Today is one of those days and I am honestly so glad it is because it puts me in a way better mood.

We arrive at the interview and walk in to find a small audience of fans who have questions for us. Gerard explains that it's more of a press conference and I've never done one of them before. Before we start we go into a little room for a briefing and I notice how hungry I am. After clearing out my body of everything last night and not having any breakfeast I am completely starving. We all get a water bottle and I go with Frank to ask for some kind of snacks of something. 

"Hey, excuse me. I don't suppose you have any food or snacks. I had a rough night and I'm starving"  ask a nice looking lady with a badge.

"We don't have much. There may be a pack of trail mix in the cupboard though. I can have a look if you like" she replies with a smile. 

"Trail mix?! You mean some m&m's with obstacles" Frank retorts doubling over in giggles. I bite my lip so I don't laugh and it is hard. Very hard.

"Yes please, that would be great" I tell the woman. As I walk away  I lightly punch Frank in the arm for making that slightly more awkward than it needed to be.

We file into the proper room and sit behind the table with our microphones, water and my bag of trail mix. The audience supposedly has questions for us and as I pan around everyone seems pretty nice. It's a mix of boys and girls of the ages 12 to 25 ish. The front row are all wearing my chem merch and some of the people in the other rows are too. They all look so happy and interested which makes me intrigued to what questions they might ask.

The first girl stands up holding the microphone with a convincing sense of confidence.

"Hi I'm Grace, my question is: What song is your favourite to perform live" she says a little shakily. It makes me laugh when people seem nervous of us because we really are just normal people. Well, not normal, anything but normal. Just some crazy people.

We get a few more about performing live, the writing and producing process of songs and how we keep up our voices/instruments.

Then I get a question from a little boy named James who asks what it is like to work with Frank. This is my time for payback. I can totally confuse everyone here and make Frank blush like crazy. 

"Well, he's amazing" I look down at my hands in my lap to mimick when someone who's embarrassed tries to deny something. I look back up and glance at Frank whilst giving Gee next to me a little pinch so he knows this is a prank. He smiles in aknowledgement and approvement. "Frank, you see, is more than just a bandmate" I say a little quieter now. The whole audience is on the edge of their seat and it makes me laugh. I didn't know how much my acting skills could pay off. "He's just such a" I pause a little trying to sound dreamlike and girly like I have a crush on him 

"idiot" I laugh and everyone seated in front of us lets out a laugh too. Frank goes bright red and Mikey and Gerard loose it giggling like toddlers. Perfect revenge.

More questions come and go but then another one catches my mind. One girl called Scarlet stands up. 

"Frank, is it difficult being so short" she asks kind of bluntly. 

I don't know whether that's rude or hilarious but Frank gets very defensive of his height.

"YES it is SO difficult being short because I can never reach shit and people just judge when they don't understand" he snarls but I know he isnt taking it super seriously.

"No dude I totally relate. I remember being in 4th grade and I couldn't reach anything, it totally sucked" Mikey replied trying so hard to stop laughing he looked like he was about to cry.


When the interview finished we head over to another place along the same street for a cover shoot. We were told we would be given clothes and have our makeup donw which is true but I didn't realise we were being vampires. It's not really black parade era but they wanted to take it back old school so we agreed.

A man shows me what I am supposed to wear and where I can change. He then walks out to leave me to get ready in piece. As I look closer at the rack of clothing my mouth drops open in shock. NO FUCKING WAY

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