My nightmare come true (3)

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I whip my head around and suddenly panic seeps into my body as the face glaring back at me is a complete stranger. He kicks me in the back which makes me double over in pain on the ground but because the crowd is too busy leaving and chatting nobody notices. 

The man puts a black mask over my head and as i try to scream he shoves a rope in my mouth. Anxiety seeps through my veins and suddenly I am finding it very hard to breath. I feel another guy come along and start tying my hands together. Then they both drag me down what feels like an alleyway and into an area where it is so dark I can't even see shadows through the thin black mask. 

I try to escape kicking and flailing as much as possible but by now I am so petrified that I don't know what to do. I don't know where I am or how i'm gonna escape.  I can hear the sounds of a vehicle coming closer. Oh god where are they gonna take me. This is the point where I practically give up hope, this is where I am going to die. 

I hear another very distant voice screaming "Hey, what the fuck are you doing" and the men who were tying me up suddenly started to scramble. The vehicle arrived and I could hear one of the men go and open a door. The other one tried to pick me up but I kicked and made it as hard as I possible could for them.

The voice I recognise was coming closer and I could hear footsteps as if this person was running. The man who was trying to pick me up suddenly dropped me causing my head to smash on what felt like concrete.  The man then ran and got in the vehicle but the other one was still on me. The voice was really close now and I could hear the anger and desperation in his voice "Get out of the van right fucking now, I've already called the police so you won't get far".

The man standing beside me kicks my body now crumpled on the floor and the panic is taken over by serious pain. I feel something warm and wet start filling up next to my leg and it smells of blood. The other guys ( persumably in the van ) are yelling now for the other man to join them so they can escape. The man next to me kicks me in the head which makes my vision blur and make me feel really dizzy. Then I black out.

Can I stay? (Gerard Way x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora