A day to remember (65)

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I look around and I'm so excited. Who set this all up? Also why? Also what and how and everything else. 

There are two big tent things, like shelters either side of the clearing with fairy lights and little skull bunting draped over the edges. Black tables covered in all kinds of food and decorations, pizza, sweets, cakes honestly my mouth is watering but there is too much food for just us. There are loads of seats set up and they all face this one place. A whole band stage is set up and it's not super big but it does look cool. There's a massive drum kit, a few guitars two seats and a mic stand. It almost seems like the best place for a acoustic concert..

I look at Oli who stand there and smiles in my direction whilst chatting to Mikey. They seem to get on quite well and Ray seems very happy about that. Ray is one of those people who is always happy when everyone else is happy and he deserves all the happiness the world can give a person. Frank links his arm in mine and Gerard links the other side and they drag me up onto the stage standing in front of all the empty seats. 

Gerard grabs a microphone "So miss Y/N, Today will be a day of celebration. We set all this out last night while you were asleep. On my twitter I announced a contest to win entry to a private concert today and we have selected 150 winners. I thought that as you like performing so much this might bring that energetic personality back that you have been missing for a while. The show doesn't start for 4 hours so we can all get ready and hang out but tonight is going to be amazing" he says this all in an obnoxious presenter voice which makes me chuckle. 

I'm so excited I'm actually fighting the urge to jump up and down like a child. I practically run back to the apartment with all the other guys to get ready because this is just an excuse to wear my black parade jacket again and  sing until my lungs give out. I quickly get changed into the jacket, ripped black jeans with massive zipped pockets on the side and massive oversized black combat boots. I look epic, if I do say so myself.

I take my makeup into the main room so I can be with everyone else while I get ready. We dance around to classic rock music as well as a few disney hits Mikey put in the playlist against everyone else. Got to love a bit of the little mermaid. It's pretty funny actually to see what songs people chose and trying to guess which song is whoose. Gerard included the batman theme tune and we all ran around the room using towels as capes, Oli included. It was absolutely hilarious.

I finish my makeup and I have to say I look and feel amazing. Ray gives me a side hug by the mirror and I take a deep breath. Let's do this for the fans and let's have a fucking good time.

-----------time skip brought to you by cheeze whiz----------------------

When we crawl through the opening this time it's filled with people all wearing our shirts and pulling their phones out. It feels surreal to be surrounded with so many supportive people again. It makes my heart swell, this is what we've created. A tiny army of little black parade soldiers eating pizza, socialising and being amazing humans in general. I am a part of this now and it's so amazing.

We go up on the little stage to a cheer from the crowd. I drag Oli along with me and venom is running around too. Here we are all together. This is us. Then we separate into our places instruments and Mikey strums a chord. The bass hits so har. Let's do this. Fuck yeah!

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