"That's fine. Thank you," I said as I quickly walked into one of the rooms to change, seeming as though she cut the baggy shirt in half.

"I know you'll look stunning in this dress when it's done. Anyone special you're taking to the dance?" Amber asked when I returned, her eyes gleaming. 

I couldn't help but blush thinking of Cole. If only it was him, but then my mind reminded me that he was going with Amy and I felt my heart sink.

I shook my head, trying to hide my forlorn look. "No, he's just a friend of mine."


I was out of breath as I collapsed onto my back and the mattress of my bed puffed up around me slightly. I stretched my arms above my head and scowled. 

"You're evil," I muttered.

Cole chuckled as he shook his head. Apparently because it was the last day he could come over he had decided to kill me by teaching me every single type of dance you could get. "Elizabeth, it was just a two-step. Wait until I teach you the foxtrot," he said as he came to stand by the side of my bed.

"Over my dead body," I growled and flopped one arm over my eyes as I tried to regulate my breathing. I doubt we would even do all these dances anyway.

Cole barely looked like he had broken a sweat as he stared down at me while I, on the other hand, felt clammy, sticky and downright gross. Luckily I had dressed a little better today: nice fitting two-toned skinny jeans, a hoodie (which soon got discarded due to all the exercise) and a sport top I like to run in. Oh, and how can I forget my silver four-inch heels that were killing my feet so nicely at the moment. Of course, I can't say the same for my hair which looked like a bird's broken nest.

"Are you ticklish?" Cole randomly asked, and I moved my arm off my eyes to look up at him before immediately looking to the side.

"No," I denied and discretely began to bring my arms back to my sides. 

My eyes widened when Cole suddenly loomed over me and placed his hands on either side of my ribs, blocking my attempt to hide my weak spot. I gulped as I felt my throat turn to sand from being so close to him and my mind turned to mush as I stared up at him. It's so irritating how he can still have that effect on me when I've known him six months now.

His lips tilted into a smirk and a mischievous glint came to his eyes. "I told you," he muttered as he bent his head down so that our noses almost touched. My body froze and I stared up at him, mouth slightly agape. What is going on with him lately? The mischievous glint intensified. "You're a horrible liar."

I didn't have time to react as his fingers suddenly attacked my sides and I squealed as I tried to move out from under him.

"Stop it!" I yelled between fits of laughter at his relentless torture. "Cole, I'm serious!"

Dobey sped into the room at the sound of my yells and leapt onto my bed before realising that I wasn't being hurt and stared at the both of us confused.

My lungs were burning with the need for air as tears started to run down my cheeks. Cole seemed determined to kill me today as he didn't budge when I pleaded and flailed my arms about to try and get him off me.

All at once everything grew deadly silent as the resounding echo of skin slapping skin bounced around my room. Dobey whimpered slightly and took off out the room, leaving me to stare up at Cole who stared down at me shocked. I gasped, suddenly realising what I did.

"I'm so sorry, Cole. I didn't mean to slap you."

Cole slowly leaned back and sat down on my bed. I quickly pulled myself up into a seated position and watched as he rolled his jaw for a moment. "Wow, you have quite an arm," Cole muttered, looking slightly dazed.

"Are ... are you okay?" I asked with concern as I looked to see the angry skin on his cheek. My eyes widened. "I'm so sorry ... uh ice. I'll get you some quickly," I said slightly panicked, but a grip on my wrist kept me seated in place next to him on my bed.

"No, I know exactly what this needs," Cole said and I looked at him expectantly. He gave me a serious look. "A kiss."


I heard what he said, but I asked anyway hoping I just imagined it.

He tapped his red cheek lightly, wincing slightly. "A kiss."


Apparently I had been shocked into one word replies.

"Don't you know that a kiss heals everything?" he asked, sounding remarkably like a five-year old boy.

I frowned. "You're not a little boy, Cole. You didn't even cry when you broke a knuckle, but you want a kiss for a slap?" I asked, trying to dodge what he wanted me to do.

Cole shrugged. "I know, but I did that to myself. You slapped me so you have to make it up to me."


"Besides do you want a slap on your conscience?"

He got me there. 

I looked away from his expectant gaze and glanced at his red cheek. I sighed and turned to face him, trying to hide the way my heart beat uncomfortably fast. Very hesitantly, I raised my hands to hold his jaw, my fingertips burning from the contact.

Cole flinched ever so slightly. "They're cold."

I gave an embarrassed smile. "Well, you know what they say: cold hands, warm heart," I added a nervous chuckle. Cole stared at me and, due to how close we were sitting; I could make out the different shades of brown in his beautiful eyes. I swallowed and looked away. "Would you mind closing your eyes at least?" I asked awkwardly.

"Why?" Cole asked, barely above a whisper and I felt myself blush.

"Uh ... it'll feel a little awkward otherwise," I muttered, not looking directly into his eyes. I saw them flicker with comprehension before he closed them. I grew speechless as I finally looked back up and took in every detail of his face.

Even though I knew he was unexplainably handsome, I was always far too shy to look at his face for long because of his intimidating eyes. Now I was able to take in every detail, from his straight nose, strong jaw line, lashes that slightly fanned his cheekbones to the small scar that ran lightly down the side of his forehead.

I swallowed thickly as I took it all in. He was so perfect that it just made me feel ten times more insecure about myself. No wonder he liked Amy, her appearance was a lot more compatible with him than me.

I tried to shake the depressing thoughts of him being with my cousin out of my mind as I gently moved his face to give me full access to his red cheek. I felt guilt eat at me: I've never hit someone before. I placed my cold fingers over the angry skin for a moment and felt the heat seep into them before pulling them away.

It's just a kiss on the cheek, Lizzy. Innocent repayment. I chanted in my head as I slowly inched closer to him. 

My heart sped when I took in the slight scent of his cologne and was tempted to bury my face in his chest and just breathe it in all day. I shook my head at my stupid thought and, before I could change my mind, I quickly pressed my lips to the smooth, heated skin.

Cole tensed completely as I held the kiss there for only a moment before quickly backing away, as though his cheek was a furnace. My lips were tingling from the contact and my cheeks grew so crimson red that they put his slapped cheek to shame. 

Cole's eyes shot open to look at me, but I couldn't meet his gaze, I felt too embarrassed. He looked like he wanted to say something, but I quickly cut him off.

"I-I'll just ... go get that ice for you now," I said as I quickly stood, trying to hide my embarrassment, and rushed out my room as fast as my four-inch heels could carry me. 

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