No matter what.

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I had wandered at least a half hour out here, lost in my own thoughts, with no sign of Scott or Derek.

A piercing shriek sent a chill through my spine and shook me to the core. Scott? Allison? No, I knew who it was coming from.

"Lydia." Then, louder, "Lydia!"

I hadn't heard a scream like that in a very long time. It was almost like mine, but there was more of an edge to it. Thankfully I knew she was okay because I wasn't screaming myself. No danger was near.

I ran farther into the forest, trying to get away from the sound that resonated through the air. Where had I heard it from before?

"Blaise? Blaise, are you okay? What are you doing out here?" I whirled around to see Scott, who was carrying two little kids: one in his arms and one on his back. He looked frantic and I could smell dried blood on his shirt.

I shook my head, trying not to think about Lydia's scream too much. "Yeah, I came out here to help you. Where's..." I looked around the werewolf for Derek, but no one was with the Beta.

"Derek's at the entrance of the trails to the preserve," Scott said. "But I have to get these kids home first."

I looked down at the children who gazed up at me with wide eyes. The little boy even gave me a smile. "Hi."

"Hello," I said, not quite knowing how to act around such a young person. Quite awkwardly, I took the boy into my arms, and started towards the road.

"Where are we going now?" he asked me, voice high in pitch.

I smiled, liking how curious the kid was. "We're taking you home."

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Derek scowled when I showed up behind Scott. "What are you doing here?" he snapped, looking about ready to chew my head off.

"Helping," I simply said. "You know you need it, now that the Betas are on the loose." I leaned against a nearby tree. "Plus, I can give you coverage from the sky."


I cut him off when I threw my jacket to the side and let my wings out.

"Holy shit," he muttered. "Just when I thought I've seen it all."

"Okay, now that we know we can use her, let's get going," Scott said. "We're wasting time."

"True enough," I agreed. "Let's move. I'll follow you."

The Alpha and Beta started to run ahead of me, while I prepared myself for flight. Taking one giant leap upward and unfurling my wings, I was airborne.

I decided to go above the trees so I wouldn't have to dodge as many branches. Finding a hole in the leaves, I flew through it and into the open sky. I blinked once and channeled my Phoenix sight, finding Derek and Scott's heat signature within seconds. It was easy to keep up with them.

Soon enough, they stopped moving, and I dived back down onto the ground. The werewolves watched as I landed smoothly and folded my wings behind my back. "What?" I said, seeing their shocked faces.

"That is just," Scott said.

"Wow," I laughed. "You really have a gift with words, McCall. Now, why are we stopping?"

"It looks like we aren't the only ones that decided to stick together," Derek said. He pointed to a pair of footprints in the mud from Boyd and Cora, who I recently was told was Derek's long-lost sister.

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