New Friend

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Katrina's POV 

I could only stare stupidly up at the masked man before me, my mind in a twisting whirl of confusion so strong that I'd forgotten my ten-step plan to remove his testicles from the rest of his body.

"I'm sorry," I sigh, my shoulders slumping down in dismay as I stare at his handsome masked face, "I'm still confused, who's pretending to be a bartender again?" I ask, squinting at his face, trying to make my brain understand the shitty plan Blue had just run by me.

My bad. I mean demanded that I carry out with no complaints like his bitch.

His teeth were going to be nubs at the rate he was grinding them together, Pony Boy sat on the opposite side of the couch, chewing slowly on bacon as he watched Blue aggressively scream his crazy plan at me.

"You, stupid!"

"I'm not a bartender, stupid! How am I supposed to bartend at a party, but I don't actually know anything about bartending!" I pause, another aspect of his dumbass plan coming to my mind, "wait, I thought you said I was the driver? Am I the driver or the bartender?"

Pure hate shine in his eyes, "yes," he snarls down at me.

I lean back into the couch, pressing my lips together, staring back at Blue.

We stare in baited silence.

I try to bite my tongue.

I really do try.

I could tell Blue was just waiting for me to say something, his patience already gone.

I tried.

"Your plan is booty."

Pony snorts, as we watch Blue's body go taunt before an animalistic growl is pushed through his lips. "It is not," he spits, before pointing a finger in my face, "you're going to go through with my plan, do exactly as I fucking say or I will find a shallow puddle to drown you in."

I tried not to look concerned, especially since he said that with such conviction, I have no other choice but to believe him.

Throwing my arms in the air, I shoot him a baffled look, "what's the point of this plan anyway! I'm some random man's driver to some party, then you want me to keep an eye on him as I pretend to be a bartender, a skill I do not have so that I can do what?"

"You are going to watch him and tell me when he breaks off from the crowd and goes anywhere alone."

"And you want me to that so that you can do what?"

"I will enter the gala and take him. Violently. But I need a distraction, which is why I want you to set the bar on fire, which shouldn't be difficult for someone like you."

"Someone like me?"

"Yes. A destructive imbecile."

I shoot him a dark look, "so you want everyone to see you take this guy?"

He crosses his arms over his chest, looking like I was draining the life out of him with my questions. "Obviously."

I nod slowly, squinting at his hideous plan, "won't that just bring more attention to your kidnapping spree, and make the other Supers, who hate you, work harder to find you and save me and your other hostage?"

He froze.

"And who is this guy you plan on snatching anyway?" I question, enjoying the bewildered look on his face.

He didn't respond, Pony Boy did, "he's the scientist who created the contents of the vials, we believe. There is a mechanism on the vial caps, I couldn't open them without destroying the contents. We get the scientist, we get information on what's in the vials, why there are two of them, who he works for, and why Supers are disappearing," Pony states.

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