Computer Charging

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Katrina's POV 

After watching my embarrassing parents nationally televised, Blue Doom demanded that it was time to go to sleep.

I got up to follow him, realizing that Pony Boy slept in the cot I'd been crashing in.

Blue Doom suddenly stops causing me to run headfirst into his back, forcing a hiss from my lips as my bruised face collides with his hard back.

Couldn't catch a fucking break if I bought one.

I need medical attention.

He turns around so that I was face to chest with him, his tall body dominating over my short one. His wide muscular chest covered in that tight dark blue material, the only thing I could see.

"What are you doing?" He looks down at me with those harsh eyes.

I fight the urge to look away. It was like staring dead at a wild animal, one wrong move could set it off, leaving you dead. But I couldn't let him know how uncomfortable he made me, that was power, and if I was going to survive and escape him then I needed to prove that he'd stolen an untamed bitch, who was unafraid to look him dead in the eye and growl back.

I tilted my head completely up in order to see his face, "where am I going to sleep?"

"The couch," he states like that was my dumbest question so far.

I blink over at the couch, before looking back to him.





"Listen, Joker, I don't know if you've gotten amnesia but you kidnapped me. I don't want to be here, you've dropped me off a fucking building and nearly drowned me, I've been completely embarrassed, twice, on television due to you. If you think I'm going to sleep on the couch where you and your henchman play scratch and sniff with your balls, then your jumpsuit is squeezing more than your ass too tight. Find me a bed," I hiss at him.

He is silent as he watches me, no doubt thinking how hard he would have to backhand me to knock me unconscious. He leans close to my face, "fine then Princess, but that means we share my bed." I try not to let my face break as he leans closer into my personal space, "you try anything and I'll fucking kill you, understand?"

I roll my eyes, trying to stop my body from shaking in fear, "I'm tired."

He growls lowly, before tightly wrapping his large hand around my arm, dragging me off, behind him. He took me to the elevator and presses the code in making it open. He shoves me inside, before stepping in after my stumbling body, dutifully ignoring the dirty look I shot him as I rub the sore spot on my arm.

I need to lull him into a false sense of security. He needs to think that I have resigned myself to this. Only to stab him in the neck when he looks away.

I peer up at him, watching him stare silently at the elevator doors, "thank you," I whisper into the silent air, looking in the corner of the elevator as it continued up.

"For?" He asks confused, turning to look at me with narrowed eyes.

"Not letting me drown, which you didn't have to do, but you did anyway. So, thank you," I quickly utter, making eye contact with him.

He stares at me, trying to figure me out, some puzzle he didn't have all the pieces to. Neither one of us trusted the other, but if I could get him to let his guard down, just for a second, then maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't notice the knife up his ass until it was too late.

Loving A Villain (EDITED VERSION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ