Attention Whores

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Blue's POV

"You have five seconds to tell us what we want to know or I'm going to use shove that beer bottle straight through your skull," I hiss down at Johnathan, his shirt in my fist as I glare down at the brown-haired kid.

"Uhh ... totally dude ... you wanna know where the bathroom is or something?" He asks looking confused.

My eye twitches, "no. Johnathan, he's with me ... I need the Master Key," Aria says from beside me.

"So, hand it over now, and I won't kill you," I narrow my eyes down at the kid.

He blinks so slowly, his eyes moving from me to Aria. And I thought Katrina knew how to cupid shuffle on my fucking nerves.

The kid finally breaks out into a huge smile, completely ignoring the fact that he's feet are barely on the floor from where I'm holding him up. "Well, I don't have it," he shrugs a carefree smile on his face.

Aria and I pause, looking at one another and then back to him.



"Well where the fuck is it at then, Johnathan. I pay you to protect the fucking thing," Aria's patience snapping faster than mine as she yells at the moron.

He blinks slowly again before smiling down at her, "I know, but I was nervous someone would come looking for it, so I gave it up to my cousin."


We both stare at him, waiting.

I shake him, making his head whip back and forth violently, "fucking speak, weasel!"

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!" He yells out, "my cousin is this big science guy and he's really protected so I left it with him, thinking no one would be able to take it from him."

"Name. Now."

"Gorgio Hans."

I drop him watching him crumble to his ass from the sudden motion, as I blink down at him. "You're related to Hans? The fucking technology wizard? He sells weapons of mass destruction to anyone who can afford them."

He grins up at me from the floor, "pretty cool, right?"

"Where is he?" Aria asks, looking between the two of us confused but staying focused on the topic.

I'm still trying to figure out how this dumbass is related to a genius.

"At some function, he had to go out of town for business," Johnathan shrugs.

"If you don't start dropping some very detailed locations, I am going stomp a hole into your empty skull. Now where exact is your fucking cousin?" I snap down at him my patience completely evaporated.

It had taken us entirely too much time to find this fucking imbecile and now he was wasting even more time. I'm trying to think of the trouble Katrina and fucking Klaus are currently getting into, but I don't see flames or smoke, nor have I heard gun shots and screams so they can't have fucked up too badly, yet.

Heavy on that fucking yet.

We were currently out in the back of Aria's large estate, where we found this dumbass throwing fucking rocks at a tree with a bunch of other dumbasses.

"He said something like ... Covanent or something like that. I don't know if that's like a religious gathering or something, I don't judge, freedoms and all that," he nodded.

"Fucking unbelievable. You mean the Convention," I glare dully down at him.

He snaps and points at me, "you know about it too! Are you practicing the same religion? Are you guys like ... scientologist?"

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