Misplaced Knowledge

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Katrina's POV

"I look like a Gossip Girl extra," I whine as I tug at the two sizes too small navy plaid skirt that I was struggling to wear.

I fought the urge to tug at the tight ponytail my curly hair was in, especially since my white collared shirt was also too small, and reaching up would either cause a button to pop off or send the fabric lifting out of the skirt.

Klaus sent me a bright smile from where he is standing beside me outside his Mother's house waiting for the driver to show up and take us to the high school that the scientist we were looking for attended.

Klaus was in a matching uniform to my own, with navy slacks and a crisp white collared shirt, and a blue tie loosely hanging around his neck.

He looked like a fucking Abercombie model while I was skirting lines of a part-time stripper.

"I know I give off strong main character vibes, but I have to be honest, I'm a Blair Waldorf," he continues as if that's a completely normal statement to make before we infiltrate a high school to kidnap some 18-year-old girl.

I stare at the side of his handsome face.

"Can I be Serena?"

"Who else would you be, especially since you could have a pap smear in that skirt," he snickers as I glare and tug at my skirt at the same fucking time.

"Who the fuck picked out the sizes for this shit? I've got the widest ass and this size 4 isn't doing shit for me."

"The skirt a little too small? Did I get your size wrong, love?" Klaus and I turn with matching expressions of disgust on Carter.

"Why am I not surprised?" Klaus sighs as he rolls his eyes at his older brother.

"Because your brother is a class A pervert, you get any closer or stare any harder I'm going to have Blue shove a blender up your ass," I smile brightly as he pales at the word blender.

Ha-ha bitch.

Carter focuses back on me, "speaking of my Brother, I have to ask, you two are Bonded, yes?"

Klaus focuses on me as I begin to stress sweat, how do I answer that question when I don't even really know for sure. There is definitely something that is holding Blue and I together, and may possibly be the reason he hasn't ripped my spine from my body, but was it the type of connection that Carter was asking about?

Was it the reason his power didn't hurt me?

The reason that there is a pool of power?

I know that Blue has answers and seems to believe that I cannot handle the truth, which is annoying but at the same time, I am afraid to know.

Because if our 'whatever' isn't like everyone else's, isn't what everyone else has, then what the fuck is between us? And what does that mean?

"Maybe," I hum noncommittally, which Carter narrows his eyes at.

"So, you have a small portion of his power, yes?" Carter continues, undeterred by the 'please-leave-me-the-fuck-alone' look that is plastered over my face.

I shrug again, not understanding where he's taking this whole questioning, "Okay?"

His smirk is all consuming on his stupidly handsome face, "so when you were taken by Christos, why did you not use your power to try and escape? Doom would have been able to pinpoint you much easier."

I cringe just as Blue's hulking for materializes into the doorway, Christos, Ana, and Cory behind him as they all stare at me, most definitely having heard the question.

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