Let It Go

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Katrina's POV

I'll never understand why I always seem to find myself in situations where I would not be against the ground busting wide open and just swallowing my ass whole.

Blue glowers in front of me like the reincarnation of a vengeful god, ready to strike my ass down. It's a miracle all he'd done is man-handle the ever-living shit out of me, instead of trying and actually strangle me like he'd done to Christos.

I wince as I feel the embarrassment steamroll into my forehead at the mere mention of his name.

The hits just keep coming, I swear.

"You have seconds before I start losing my fucking shit," Blue grits out, his body straining as if he's physically holding himself back from grabbing me.

Not that I even deserved his anger! I have absolutely no fucking clue what happened, or how I ended up clutched in Christos' arms. None of it was making a lick of sense, but it was obvious that if I mentioned that or the fact that Blue had most definitely lost his shit years ago, he was going to perform the two-step on my fucking throat.

"Leave her alone, Blake," Christos' deep voice sounded from the kitchen as he slowly made his way into the living room where everyone had gathered to gorge themselves on the constant drama that is my fucking existence.

Color me surprised, Blue can in fact get angrier.

"Leave her alone?" Blue snarls as the lights in the house flicker in a deadly warning, Ana, Cory, Klaus, and even Carter all take a small step back. "Leave her alone?" He rages, "She's fucking mine," debatable, "and I wake up to you dry humping her in front of my fucking bed," an extreme exaggeration, "I'm not leaving shit alone until she tells me exactly what happened, and if it isn't a great fucking explanation, I'm going remove your fucking teeth with her fucking hands. Deep psychological damage. Now," he turns that burning glare back to me, "what the fuck were you doing?"

I wince as the air charges with the bated attempt of murder, just perfect.

Look fucking innocent bitch, project fucking innocence!

"I would just like to start that I have been told I sleep-talk, and once or twice I've sleep-eaten, but I don't think I've ever sleepwalked before and I have no memory of getting out of bed or seeing Christos. All I know is you started screaming and then sucker punched the taste out of his mouth," I answer him, hoping the wide-eyed innocent look is working on him. His face doesn't soften, shit, "if we really think about this, am I the victim? Did Christos drag me out of bed? Have I not embarrassed myself enough in front of the man?"

Was it fucked up to throw Christos under the bus? Maybe.

Blue's furious gaze swung away from me and to Christos.

Thank God.

I couldn't handle being electrocuted in the eye socket, Christos could, at least I bet he could handle that better than I could.

A lightbulb shattered somewhere in the house, "did you pull her out of our bed?" Blue was all vibrating rage, electricity shuddering through the air.

This really isn't going to end well.

Christos' handsome jaw was slightly red where Blue had hit him, but his eyes were nothing but biting stone as he glared at Blue, before completely ignoring him and turning back to me.

Oh, this is about to get really bad.

"What did you see?" Christos looks to me completely ignoring everyone else, "where is she?"

A strange wariness slips down my spine, making my heart begin to beat wildly in my chest as a block begins to form in my mind. What is he talking about? Who is he talking about? And why is some strange instinct telling me that I don't know.

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