Super Girlfriend

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Katrina's POV 

I was staring directly at his sleeping face, but my mind could not fully compute what I was looking at.

I know for a fact that I fell asleep beside Pony Boy's little four-foot-five body, so the fact that I was wrapped into the arms of a full-grown man was short-circuiting my shit.

I peer around his large, slumbering body, my eyes coming in contact with the lab on the first floor of the lair. How did I get down here?

The answer was sleeping deeply right in front of me. Blue Doom was wrapped around me, our bodies entwined around one another forcing us face to face. His eyes closed, hiding those deep honey orbs, he still had his mask on.

I shouldn't snatch off his mask, right? That's probably some huge no-no in his world.

My fingers twitch to rip that thing off and laugh evilly while I reveal his secret identity. That would be some hot-as-shit tea to have, this man was wanted for so much shit, if anyone knew who he was he'd be locked behind bars before he could so much as blink.

My hand slowly lifted between our bodies, coming right under his chin, the end of his mask only a few inches away.

It was probably a horrible idea. My hand was so close. He'd have to kill me if I knew who he was, like for real, kill me.

My fingers were centimeters from the material.

He'll definitely snap my neck.

My finger brushed the edge of the mask.

His hand clamps down over my wrist, sending a jolt of fear through my entire body, as I stare at his relaxed face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" That morning voice could make women, world-wide, trip out of their fucking underwear.

Don't act guilty, "nothing."

His eyes open, immediate distrust flaring as he glares at me full force. How is it possible for him to intimidate me even before he starts yelling?

His hand tightens, sending pain flashing up my wrist, my body tensing against his.

"I wouldn't if I were you," he growls, as I nod, desperate to show him I agree.

"Yes. Yup. I agree, not going to do. Not doing that," I groan quickly, trying not to break out into a full scream at the pressure he was applying to my wrist.

He releases me, letting me cradle it to my chest, as I hiss in pain at the definite handprint he left in my skin.

How was this monster the man that had saved a little boy?

I send him a glare, which he returns with an unimpressed blink. "No one's ever tried to take your mask off?"

He snorts, "it's like someone grabbing my dick in public."

"What in the hell does that even mean?"

"It's disrespectful," he stares pointedly at me, "and it would make the other person feel extremely inferior."

There it is. I shouldn't be surprised at the level of cockiness that resides in this asshole, but it still had my mind reeling in disbelief.

I couldn't stop the eye roll, even if I wanted to.

Yesterday finally hits me like a ton of bricks, my eyes narrowing like daggers as I glare at Blue Doom's face.

This son of a bitch here.

After all that shit, he pulled yesterday, I somehow find him cuddled up to me in a bed, he obviously brought me to.

It's a wonder I'm even still alive as I do what comes naturally to me. Grabbing the pillow under my head, I slam it over his unimpressed face and push down with all my might.

Loving A Villain (EDITED VERSION)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu